5 Simple Ways On How To Lose Weight At Home

Sometimes life is unpredictable… and you have to change your routine to suit these instances. For example, you may have your plan to head out to the gym. Yet, something may come up where you have to re-schedule… or you can’t leave home, as you may have experienced through the Covid restrictions.

That’s when you need to take matters into your own hands. Rather than relying on the outside world… you need to understand how you can keep your weight loss routine in check.

And, if you’re at home… then you can keep losing that unwanted weight no matter what. So, it’s not all about where you exercise… but how you exercise can make all the difference in reaching your weight loss goals.

No, you don’t have to join a gym to burn body fat. In fact, many people who go to a gym daily, oftentimes they seldom lose much weight. And, isn’t it frustrating when you’re sweating it out, but that horrible fat won’t seem to budge?

People see you every day in the gym, but you’re still the same. It can get embarrassing! Yet, you don’t have to go through that, as you can simply burn fat in the comfort of your own home.

That’s right, no more embarrassing moments in the gym… or even feeling self-conscious as you run around the park, as your belly wobbles.

Plus, losing weight is not just about exercising… a large key part is HOW you eat and drink. Health “experts” have been drumming into your through their Marketing… how you should be eating. Yet, more often than not, it’s causing you to become fatter and unhealthier.

It’s time for positive changes!

So, keep reading… as you’ll find out 5 insider tips on how to lose weight at home.

1. To Burn More Calories Faster, Workout Your Key Body Parts

Many of you already know that when you are exercising, you’re burning calories… and this is correct. But, did you know that certain exercises will burn twice as much… if not triple the calories in the same amount of time?

And, the great thing is you can burn more fat in the comfort of your own home. That’s right, you don’t have to head out to a gym… and walk on that dreaded treadmill for hours! Do the right exercises and workout less to burn more fat.

how to lose weight at home - global health renegade

For example, jumping jacks burn around 6-7 calories per minute… whereas burpees burn around 10-12 calories per minute. Now, this depends on several factors such as your weight, height… as well as the intensity that the exercise is done at.

Now, burpees have been shown to burn even up to 20 calories per minute… when you are performing them at a high intensity. And, it all adds up over time, meaning you can burn that body fat quicker.

Also, doing exercises like burpees… are an ingenious exercise that more people need to know about. Why is that?

Burpees, incorporate several areas of the body that move together. And, as a result they will burn larger amounts of calories than say doing crunches. When you do crunches, that exercise is focusing mainly on the abdominal area.

So, when you use more of your body parts together… the amount of calories you burn increases.

Plus, when you incorporate the body’s prime movers into your exercise routine… your calorie burn will skyrocket! So, the prime movers are the muscles from the hips down… such as glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves.

For example, when you’re working out your legs… they’ll always burn more calories, than say working out your arms. And, this is because the muscles are much larger in your legs. So, your legs will have to use more energy (calories) when you are moving them… in comparison to your arms.

So, when putting your exercise routine together… add in exercises that involve your legs as well as other areas. Thus, exercises such as burpees, lunges, jumping lunges and squat jumps… are great for burning more calories faster.

Now, for another way on how to lose weight at home, do this…

2. To Lose Fat Faster, Workout Less

Let’s face it, we live in a time poor society. And, one of the things a lot of people say is… they don’t have the time to be exercising for hours. You’d have to agree, right?

Plus, if you generally have to leave home to do your workouts… then that adds even MORE time. This is where exercising smarter comes into play. And, the best part is, you can do all this at home.

So, your exercise routine shouldn’t be seen in the form of time. For example, y could go for a walk on a treadmill for 4 hours, and yes... you will be burning calories.

Yet, your best friend could be burning 10 x the amount of calories in only half an hour… than what you would on that 4 hour walk on the treadmill! What? How can that be?

It’s because your best friend has learnt one key principle when it comes to losing weight fast… exercise should be seen in the form of intensity.

So, one of the quickest ways to burn more calories… is to increase the intensity of the exercises that you are doing. And one of the most effective ways to do this… is to combine several exercises together into the one set.

For example, you may be exercising at home, and without any equipment. So, if this is how you work out… you could combine squat jumps, push ups, crunches, and burpees into the one set.

Now, a sample exercise routine could look like this:

  • 10 x Squat jumps

  • 10 x Push ups

  • 20 x Crunches

  • 10 x Burpees

  • Rest

Then, repeat the above exercise set, 4 times in total.

NOTE: Aim for a rest period of no more than 1 minute in between each exercise set. Then, after a few weeks… drop the rest period to 30 seconds in between each exercise set.

Now, when you’re doing an exercise routine similar to the above example… what this does is force your body to draw on its energy reserves (calories) so much more. And, this is because your body will want a break. Yet, there is no break until you complete the whole exercise set!

The great things is, this will not only maximize the amount of calories you burn… but you’ll have your exercise routine finished in no time. So, you can lose that unwanted fat with a far higher degree of calorie burn in this way… instead of wasting your precious time.

That frees up more time in your day to do other important things.

So, increase your exercise intensity, workout in less time, and see that weight melt. Plus, you’ll fit into your favorite jeans, top or swimsuit in no time!

Now, when you’re looking at how to lose weight at home, you must remember this…

3. Mix Up Your Workout Routine

Most people don’t realize that the human body is amazing at adapting to things. Whether you change your diet, or you start a new exercise routine, it adapts fast.

For example, when you haven’t been exercising for some time, then you start up again… your muscles get really sore. You know how that feels, right? Your legs may feel like jelly after going on a run… or you feel like your arms are about to fall off after doing weights.

Yet, after a little while you don’t get sore anymore. And, that’s because your body realizes that you are exercising. So, it adapts to this new situation you have put into your daily routine.

Now, this is also the case with your exercise routine… your body gets used to the actual exercises that you are performing.

Think about it, do you get sore walking around on your daily routine? No, of course not. You have been walking since you were born, so your body is used to it. Your body does it on autopilot.

However, if for something different you were to walk up a large steep hill… you will most likely be sore the next day, because your body isn’t used to it. You’ve surprised your body with something different… putting it into a mode like alertness.

And, this “shocks” your body, but in a good way.

So, if you already have an exercise routine that you’ve been doing for a while… then it’s time for a change! Aim to change your exercise routine every 4-6 weeks.

This keeps your body guessing, which is right where you want it.

And, if you want help with different, effective exercises to burn fat fast… then the Ultimate Body Transformation guide is for you. Plus, you’ll get the secrets on how to keep that weight off… as well as how to regain a youthful body.

Now, the next tip on how to lose weight at home, is something that many people should do…

4. Drink, drink, drink!

So, some of you are clapping your hands in delight… as you’re already getting liquids into your body and drinking. BUT, we’re not talking about drinks like soda, processed fruit juices, alcohol… or even coffee, tea, or milk.

And, before we even go down that path of the ideal drink for weight loss… here’s something you need to know.

It’s said that the majority of people are in a state of dehydration. And, this is not good, especially if you’re trying to lose weight.

That’s because dehydration causes the body to be in a state of stress. And, many of you may not realize that adequate levels of hydration is essential… for every organ in your body to function properly.

When you are in a state of stress… your body releases the stress hormone cortisol.

And, that horrible hormone cortisol damages your body in ways you don’t want… especially when you’re trying to lose weight. It increases your appetite, causes insulin resistance… as well as increasing the storage of fat cells, and it also slows down your metabolism.

These are the last things you want when trying to lose weight, right?

Yet, when you’re at home you have access to one simple drink to lose weight. And, that is water.

So, when you increase your water intake it keeps your body hydrated… which means there will be less cortisol released by your body.

Plus, by drinking water it DECREASES your appetite as well. And, it’s not rocket science to know that when you eat more… you put on more weight especially if you don’t exercise.

Thus, by simply drinking water you’re moving in the right direction to lose that fat. 

Plus, when you drink adequate amounts of water… it has been shown to boost your metabolism by 12-15%! Now, who would’ve thought that the simple liquid water could do that?

And, what’s even better is that when you elevate your metabolism like this… your body burns more calories, even while you sleep. Talk about a win-win!

So, forget about those weight loss gimmick drinks… which are low fat, have no fat, or have less sugar. They do more harm than good. Have water instead. And, if it seems boring to you… squeeze in some fresh lemon or lime juice to flavor it up, for example

Now, last but not least on our list of ways on how to lose weight at home is this…

5. Stop Having Three Meals A Day

For decades you’ve been told by the “experts” to eat 3 square meals a day. Doctors, health experts, and even governments, have promoted and drummed into you to… eat 3 square meals a day.

Yet, having your meals in this way has made society fatter. And, this is not what we want for you. You’re here reading this because you want to lose weight.

In general, when you eat 3 meals a day… you’ll often consume a larger amount of food. And, that’s largely because there’s a longer period of time until your next meal.

Plus, when you think about it, do you notice that the more you eat in the one sitting… you get sluggish and tired not long after eating that meal?

And, that’s because when your body is processing this larger amount of food… it results in an increasing spike of insulin by your body. Insulin is responsible for the storage of fat. So, when you consume larger amounts of food… it generally results in a larger amount of fat storage.

Time To STOP Doing What You’ve Been Told All These Years!

So, now is the time to undo what you’ve been told to do all these years! And, how can you do that?

Eat smaller portions more frequently. So, instead of 3 square meals a day… have 5-6 smaller meals spread throughout your day.

And, we’re not talking about having a huge Sunday roast 5-6 times per day! Smaller size portions is the key.

Now, one of the key questions you’re thinking in your mind is… how do you measure a smaller portion? Well, when you’re having the 3 square meals during your day… you’re likely having them on dinner sized plates, right?

Yet, from now on, you eat off a side plate or a bread plate… which are much smaller in size. And, don’t go cheating by piling up the food on the smaller plate! You’ll just ruin your own progress at losing that unwanted fat.

Remember how we were talking about the link between insulin and fat gain? The great thing is… when you consume smaller meals, your body doesn’t react by spiking a large amount of insulin.

Also, when eating these smaller meals… you won’t be overwhelming your body by having the huge amounts of food. Thus, you won’t feel sluggish and tired… meaning you’ll have more energy and feel more alert.

Imagine how great you’ll feel having more energy? You’ll naturally feel more motivation to do things, as you feel more lively. You can get more done throughout the day, including losing that weight.

And, because your next meal will only be a couple of hours away, you won’t you won’t get hungry… like you would if you were eating 3 square meals a day.

So, smaller amounts of food for all meals. And, to make that easier to remember… simply swap out your big plates for the smaller sized ones, WITHOUT piling on the food!

By doing this you can eat 5-6 of these meals throughout the day. And, this will result in less insulin spikes, meaning less fat being stored.

Now, even though you’ll be having more meals, more often… that doesn’t mean you’ll be slaving away preparing meals in the kitchen at home.

For example, let’s say you want to have a yummy wrap with various fillings. What you do is make this delicious wrap. And, instead of eating the entire wrap for one meal… simply cut it in half and hey presto, you have 2 meals!

 It really is that easy.

Incorporate These 5 Simple Ways On How To Lose Weight At Home TODAY

There you have it… 5 simple ways for losing weight at home. Many of you are time poor these days, making weight loss challenging. And, this can be demotivating. Plus, sometimes things are out of your control… where you can’t leave home to exercise.

There are so many things you can do at home to lose weight… especially if for some reason you’re having to be stuck in your house.

Remember, when it comes to your exercise routine… you can burn more calories faster by working out key body parts. And, these include the prime movers, such as your glutes, hamstrings and quads.

Also, gone are the days when you have to exercise for hours on end. To lose more body fat, workout less. The secret to this, is by increasing the intensity of your exercises. Plus, using all your body parts together helps to burn calories faster.

Now, your body gets used to the same old routine… and when it comes to losing weight this isn’t helpful. So, you need to shock your body into doing different exercises. Change up your workout routine every 4-6 weeks.

Remember, you need to stay hydrated and drink water. Water is great for losing that stubborn fat… as it helps to decrease your appetite, so that you don’t go snacking! Also, it’s been shown to boost your metabolism by 12-15%!

And finally, stop having that old-age 3 square meals a day. Instead, have 5-6 smaller portion meals throughout the day. When you space out your meals in smaller amounts… you won’t get those insulin spikes that makes your body put on more fat. Plus, you’ll feel so much more energized. Just remember to NOT pile on the food on those smaller plates.

So, when you incorporate those 5 simple things to lose weight at home… you’ll be amazed when you see that weight drop. You can finally fit into your favorite clothes. Not only that, you’ll look and feel fantastic… as you’ve gotten rid of that horrible fat that has been weighing you down.

And the best part is, you can do all that in the comfort of your own home.

Here’s to an amazing new you!

5 Simple Ways On How To Lose Weight At Home

  • To Burn More Calories Faster, Workout Your Key Body Parts

  • To Lose Fat Faster, Workout Less

  • Mix Up Your Workout Routine

  • Drink, drink, drink!

  • Stop Having Three Meals A Day

3 Top Tips On How To Eat Clean For Beginners

When it comes to losing weight or maintaining a healthy lifestyle… one of the simplest ways to embark on this journey is to include some clean eating rules into your diet plan.

Now, you’ve probably heard of the terms, “eat clean” or “clean eating.” And, that’s no surprise as this has been around for a long time. Yet, do you really know what it’s all about?

In its basic form, eating clean means that you’re consuming foods in their most natural state. So, foods that don’t have any artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or additives… is essentially what it means.

And, as we’ve said before in other articles, when you’re eating foods out of a box, bag or packet… this is usually the furthest you could be from eating clean. More on that soon.

So, we urge you to change your lifestyle to embark on a clean eating regime! Yet, we understand that when you start anything new, it can be daunting.

That’s why you need to keep reading… as we give you 3 top tips on how to eat clean for beginners. Then, this can help kickstart your healthy diet plan… or help you to lose weight more effectively. And, overall our goal is help you lead a healthy lifestyle, full of vitality and quality longevity.

Now, before we start, there are some key benefits of clean eating you’ll want to know about…

Benefits of Clean Eating

We’ve had many customers tell us that when they’ve ditched the processed foods… how amazing and more energetic they feel. Yet, here are some other benefits you could experience, simply by eating clean…

  • Not only will you feel better, you’ll look better too. Your skin texture will improve, your nails become stronger… and your body can become leaner. When you feed your body with nourishing foods and drinks… you’ll receive essential vitamins and minerals, to help you feel and look years younger.

  • You’ll feel less sluggish and have more energy throughout the day. Do you ever suffer from mid-morning or late afternoon slumps? We’re sure that most of you will have gone through that, and it’s annoying, right? Well, when you eat clean your body will release energy throughout the day. And, you won’t get those rollercoaster energy peaks and crashes.

  • Eating clean can help curb those cravings, so you don’t gain that unwanted weight. By having nutrient dense foods and drinks… your body won’t trick you into wanting those calorie laden sweets or other junk foods. For example, if you have a sweet craving, instead of reaching for those donuts… you could have a smoothie, like our delicious rocky road smoothie!

So, when you’re learning how to incorporate clean eating into your lifestyle… a local health food guide can be an enormous help. You don’t have to do it all on your own.

Now that you have an idea of what clean eating is and some its key benefits… you’ll want to know our 3 top tips on how to eat clean for beginners. Let’s get right into them…

3 Top Tips On How To Eat Clean For Beginners:

1. Make Small Changes Over Time

One of the key principles in how to eat clean… is to get rid of processed, pre-packaged foods and drinks out of your kitchen pantry or cupboard. Examples of this include soft drinks, sweets, crisps, and microwave meals.

Plus, these clean eating rules not only apply at home… you should also do this in your workplace, as we’re aiming for a lifestyle change.

As we said earlier, for some of you changing your diet habits can be difficult. That’s why you should incorporate only a couple of changes first, until that becomes habit. Then, keep changing one thing at a time. That will help to make it easier to stick to a new regime in the long run.

For example, choose a few food or drink items to gradually remove your diet. For example, if you drink 3 cans of soft drink per week, reduce it to 2 a week… then over time 1 a week. And, eventually your body won’t crave those processed sugars and other additives.

Remember, eating clean is not a fad term, it’s a healthy lifestyle change… so you can look and feel amazing, even in your golden years.

Now, here’s our second tip on how to eat clean for beginners…

2. Consume More Local Foods and in Season

As we said earlier, clean eating means you should eat more natural and fresh foods… as well as having minimal, to next to no processed foods.

Yet, you may have heard that some fresh fruits and vegetables have pesticides on them. These can over time add more harm to your body and health… impacting its ability to function properly.

That’s why where you can, buy organic foods. And, that’s because organic foods shouldn’t have pesticides or other potentially harmful chemicals… where many of them can wreak havoc with your hormones.

So you’re aware… the short list below are some fruits and veggies that generally have more pesticides on them. Thus, if you love these foods, yet you have a limit with your grocery budget… at least buy these products organic:

Cherries, apples, tomatoes, grapes, peppers, peppers, spinach, celery, cucumber, and peaches.

Also, we recommend you get locally grown and in season produce. And, the main reason is that local foods will be fresher… as they don't have to be transported from other towns, or even from other parts of the world.

So, when you’re not eating local fresh foods… then the quality will most likely be sub-standard.

For example, apples don't grow all year round. And, to get them to the consumer, companies have to source the apples from other towns… or other parts of the world. Now, this is concerning as some of these apples may have been in storage for weeks, months… or even up to a year!

And, as a result… the nutritional value of these apples will be far less than what they would be if fresh. So, why waste your money on foods and drinks, where you won’t even reap the full benefits?

If you're aiming to lose that unwanted weight or to improve your health by eating clean… then you should do it properly. We’re here to help you eat clean, and NOT eat “half” clean.

Now, here’s our final tip in this article on how to eat clean for beginners…

3. Eat Clean by Simplifying Your Diet

Now, when we’ve told many of our clients and customers about this tip… their reaction is priceless. And, that’s because nuggets of gold information like this is rare, and not widely spread… especially in the mainstream media. That’s because it’s effective in helping you lose weight, or to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

So, next time you go into a supermarket or store… have a look down the aisles and on the shelves. Then, pick up a packet of biscuits for example, and look at the ingredients list. Then, grab a bag of crisps and look at the ingredients that goes into making those.

What you’ll find is that there’s a common theme… There are a lot of ingredients that go into those biscuits and crisps. Yet, out of all those ingredients, you won’t know what most of them are. You’ll see that some are hard to pronounce… or have codes that you have no idea what they mean.

Yet, you may be wondering, so what?

What you’re NOT being told is that many of these ingredients include artificial colours, flavors, preservatives… as well as things like emulsifiers, food enhancers and other additives.

And, it’s ingredients like those, that have been shown to impact the proper functioning of your body. Plus, they could alter your hormones… or help you gain that horrible fat by messing with the cells in your body. Now, that’s not the sort of help you want, right?

So, think about this…

Picture an orange…

Have you ever seen an ingredients list on an orange? Why doesn't  a simple orange have a list of ingredients when you buy it?

Well, that’s because it has more than 4,000 phytonutrients, which are FANTASTIC for your body and health. And, these plant nutrients are what your body needs… for a huge injection of essential minerals and vitamins.

They are natural ingredients that mother nature wants you to have. None of this processed crap full of chemicals and poisons!

So, remember… when you’re on your clean eating journey, keep it simple when it comes to choosing the right foods. Stay away from those foods in packets… especially when there is an ingredients list full of codes and words you have no idea of what they are. This is super helpful when deciding if you’re eating clean or not.

Start Eating Clean Today!

Well, so they were 3 top tips on how to eat clean for beginners.

To eat clean doesn't have to be a chore or difficult. Now that you have some key foundations, you’ll start your journey on the right path.

Take small steps when it comes to changing your diet habits. This will help you stay in focus to lose that unwanted weight or to gain a healthier lifestyle… so that you can finally look and feel amazing.

And, having unprocessed foods and drinks will do wonders for your body. Remember to look for produce that is grown locally, and in season. Farmers markets are usually a great place to get that. Plus, if you can, buy produce that is organic… as they should be free of harmful pesticides and other chemicals.

Finally, when eating clean, your aim is to have foods and drinks that comes from Mother Nature’s table. So, the fresher the better and the produce being in their most natural state.

So, eat clean, get lean, and feel the best you’ve ever been!

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