Surprising Health Benefits Of Cinnamon You Should Know About Now

Cinnamon is not only great to help with achieving and maintaining a healthy body… it’s also a secret weapon for helping to lose that unwanted fat, especially around your belly. Read on, to find out more… 

When it comes to the well-known spice of cinnamon… most people immediately link it with a cooking ingredient. Now, while cinnamon does do a great job in flavoring up meals or drinks… this common spice has many other benefits that you may not know about.

For example, while cinnamon can aid in controlling blood sugar levels… it also has its place, in helping to shed stubborn belly fat from your body. 

Yet, what most people don’t know is, this simple spice cinnamon… has been in use for thousands of years. And, that’s because it has incredible medicinal properties. 

In fact, in ancient Egypt, cinnamon was seen as precious… being an important ingredient for monarchs and the like.

 So, if it was good enough for kings and queens for thousands of years… then it sure must be still important nowadays, even for everyday folks!

What Is Cinnamon Good For?

Now, some of the many health benefits of cinnamon include:

  •          For use as a powerful anti-oxidant

  •          Helps to protect against diabetes

  •          Helping to control food and drink cravings

  •          Having anti-fungal properties

  •          For use as an anti-bacterial agent

  •          Having anti-inflammatory properties

  •          Helping to protect against heart disease

The list above highlights some powerful benefits… that may affect or aid most people in their lifetime. 

That’s why including cinnamon as part of your diet plan… will help to keep your body healthy. Plus, there are benefits of cinnamon for weight loss, and fighting that unwanted flab.

How Cinnamon Helps In Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, especially around your belly… then cinnamon could help with that. 

When you consume cinnamon, whether that’s through drinking or eating it… it’s not actually the spice that helps to burn fat directly. 

Several studies have shown that after having cinnamon… it helps to reduce the amount of glucose (sugar) that enters your bloodstream. So, it has a powerful effect of taking control of the blood sugar levels in your body.

So, why is this important for effective weight loss?

Blood sugar that you don’t burn as energy is then turned into unwanted fat. And, as a result not only do you gain weight… you could end up increasing your levels of body fat storage, especially around the belly.

And, whether you’re male or female… having excess fat around the abdominal area is common and unsightly. Plus, it can lead to more health issues as you get older, such as diabetes and obesity.

So, cinnamon helps in weight loss by helping to control blood sugar levels. Plus, one of the other key benefits of cinnamon for weight loss is this… 

Studies have shown that cinnamon can improve sensitivity to the hormone, insulin. 

Yet, it seems that more people are becoming resistant to the effects of insulin. And, this condition is known as insulin resistance… which can result in metabolic syndrome. 

And, if you suffer from metabolic syndrome… this can put you at a higher risk of contracting diseases such as diabetes, stroke or heart disease.

So, not only are there health benefits of cinnamon, it helps with aiding weight loss too. A win-win for you. Yet, there’s something you should know about this powerful spice…

Beware: Not All Cinnamon Is The Same

After discovering the many health benefits of cinnamon… you’re ready to go and get some right now. BUT, you need to read this first…

There are various types of cinnamon you could buy. Yet, not all cinnamon is the same.

Cinnamon contains a compound by the name of, coumarin. Coumarin has  sweet and herbaceous tones, resembling vanilla. So, this is an appealing smell for many of you. 

Yet, it has been found that coumarin can be harmful when had in larger quantities.

For example, it could increase your risk of contracting certain types of cancers… as well as liver damage. That’s why choosing the RIGHT type is key… so that you take advantage of the benefits of cinnamon, rather than having it work against you. 

Now, the type of cinnamon you see in most shops and supermarkets… is the cheaper variety of cinnamon called, “Cassia”. Yet, this cinnamon variety has higher levels of coumarin.

The variety of cinnamon you should look out for is one called, “Ceylon”. This type of cinnamon has far less levels of the substance coumarin. 

So, when you’re looking to buy cinnamon, REMEMBER to go for the Ceylon variety.

How To Maximize Health Benefits Of Cinnamon In Your Diet

OK, many of you are happy, as you now know that cinnamon is a powerful spice that’s great for your health… and to help with losing that unwanted flab, especially around the mid-section. 

Yet, don’t go out buying those sticky and sweet cinnamon buns… or those cinnamon donuts lathered with sugar!

Choose the better options… so that you can achieve a healthy, vibrant, trim and youthful body.

So, here are some different ways that you can incorporate cinnamon into your meals…

  • Add some cinnamon to your smoothies or juices. These drinks are great for getting a huge boost of nutrients and vitamins into your body. Plus, smoothies are great for helping to keep you fuller for longer.

  • If you enjoy yogurt, throw some cinnamon in and mix it up. A great way to spruce up plain old yogurt, and get the health benefits of cinnamon.

  • For a robust and flavorsome curry, add some cinnamon. If you’re making a fresh curry, you know that there’ll be lots of spices to add. So, adding one more spice of cinnamon will not only add more taste… it will help with a healthier you.

  • Baked whole sweet potato, or as wedges can be even more flavorsome and healthy. Simply add some cinnamon… which is a great spice that goes well with this veggie.

  • Add some cinnamon to your tea or coffee… for delicious and healthy flavor combinations.

So, there are some healthy examples of how you can include cinnamon in your diet.

Remember that not all cinnamon is the same, and choose the Ceylon variety if you can.

So, now you know that there are many health benefits of cinnamon. 

And, by having cinnamon it can help to control your blood sugar and insulin levels. Then, as a result it can help to regulate body fat storage, and aid in losing weight… so that you look and feel more vibrant, youthful and trim. 

Plus, it’s a powerful anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent… for helping with a stronger, healthier body.

If it’s been good enough for people of power and nobility for thousands of years… then it’s good enough for you too! So, go grab some cinnamon and include it in your meal plans.

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