How To Get A Toned Stomach When You Sit Down

There are thousands of people around the world who are still trying to get those flat abs. Having a toned stomach is one of the top desires for men and women.

So, maybe you’ve been slaving away at the gym… or you’ve had your personal trainer shouting at you to do more reps! Or, those workout videos that you had saved to watch, are now long forgotten.

You may have even spent hundreds of dollars, if not thousands of dollars… on useless equipment that promises you’ll get flat abs overnight!

And, day after day… it can feel like you’re getting nowhere, even though you’re trying your hardest. Then, when you look in the mirror, that belly fat won’t seem to budge. Frustrating, right?

Yet, when you think about it, due to lifestyle changes… many people in society are spending long periods in a sedentary state. So, here’s a typical example…

You go to sleep for about 8 hours… then you get up and sit down at the table for breakfast or a coffee. Then, you hop into your car or on public transport to get to work. 

And, when you get to work you’re sitting down at a desk or for meetings. Then, once the working day is over… you have to get back into your car, or sit on public transport to get back home.

And, oftentimes, especially if you’ve had a challenging day at work… you flop on the couch to relax and watch TV, or sit on a chair to read. Then, while having supper or dinner, you’re sitting down to enjoy your meal. 

And finally, you head off to bed for sleep, and then the cycle continues… day after day. 

When you look at it this way, that’s a lot of sitting down throughout the day and night! So, it’s not surprising that many of you may be finding it hard to burn unwanted fat… especially around your mid-section.

And, unless you change something about your routine… you’ll continue to find it hard to burn off your daily calories, as you’re in a sedentary state. Remember, any calories that you don’t burn off get stored as fat. 

So, what if there was a way that while you’re sitting down… you can get those flat abs that you’ve been dreaming about. So then, you can combine getting flat abs easily in your daily routine. How great would that be? Good news is, there is a simple solution!

Read on to find out about how to get a toned stomach, while you’re sitting down… and in a sedentary state.

Did You Know That Everyone Has 6 Pack Abs?

That’s right, you read that correctly. Everyone has 6 pack abs, whether you’re male or female, young or old. And, that’s because your body is built with the structure of an abdominal wall. 

YET, with some people you can see the structure of the abs… and with other people you can’t. And, a key reason is… because of the subcutaneous body fat between your abdominal muscle and the skin.

So, even if you’re trim or you’re overweight… you’’ll have that layer of subcutaneous body fat. For example, when you lightly pinch your skin you can feel that soft layer of subcutaneous fat. 

Now, if you want to have more tone showing… then you need to lose some of that subcutaneous body fat. So, the more fat you have between these two points… the less tone and shape you’ll have. 

When you lose some of that subcutaneous fat… you’ll be reducing the fat between those two points. So, that means more of the muscle shape will show up, and you’ll have definition around your mid-section. 

Yet, when you’re overweight, that layer of fat is going to be bigger. So then, you end up with a protruding belly that hangs over your clothes… or belly fat that wobbles when you walk. 

Having a healthy and lean diet plan will definitely help with reducing that flab. Yet, you also need to burn those calories to help get rid of that extra subcutaneous fat. 

And, the good news is there’s one key exercise that can help you get there. So, here’s how to get a toned stomach while you sit down… using this one surprising exercise. 

Burn Calories And Get Flat Abs With This One Simple Exercise

Get flat abs while sitting down? Yes, please!

We’d like to reveal a little-known exercise that will not only help you get a toned stomach… it will also help you to burn more calories, melt that fat, and improve your core strength.

And, one of the reasons why you may never have heard of it before is because… it’s FREE. That’s right, it doesn’t cost you anything. 

You don’t need to buy any equipment or useless contraptions. Plus, you can do it in the comfort of your own home, at the office… or even on the plane or other public transport!

So, this simple, flat abs workout can be done just about anywhere… while you’re sitting down, or are in a sedentary state.

Plus, the good thing is that you’ll be improving your core strength, which will also help you to get those flat abs. And, that’s because it activates your transverse abdominis (TVA muscle). 

The TVA muscle lies beneath the rectus abdominis. And, when your core or TVA muscle is weak… it then leads to a lazy, bloated belly type of look. Plus, it can also result in bad posture. And, having poor posture can lead to other disabilities in the future… which we’re sure you don’t want.

Yet, when your core is strengthened it has many benefits including…. helping to hold in and tighten your abdominal wall. Plus, having a strong core supports good posture, helps to strengthen your lower back… as well as protecting your organs, and helping to improve stability.  

Now, you have to understand though, that while this flat abs workout will help to burn calories… it won’t burn a massive amount of calories versus if you did high intensity interval training. 

Yet, when you think about it… it’s not like you’re going to do a high intensity workout on the plane, or at your office!

That’s why this flat abs workout is great… so you can get a little exercise in at a time where you would generally be in a sedentary state. It will burn some additional calorie. Because any time you do any exercises, your body burns calories. 

So, you can achieve all this by performing one simple exercise called… Isometric Ab Contractions.

What Are Isometric Ab Contractions?

Isometric Ab Contractions is an exercise that is designed to be done while you’re sitting or standing… and can be done lying down, or even kneeling. And, what happens is that contractions of a particular muscle or group of muscles

So, unlike “traditional” type exercises, where there are continuous active movements… isometric ab exercises instead, involves a holding pattern. And, during this holding pattern, your muscles undergo tension for a period of time.

Your muscles contract, yet they don’t change length while you’re holding the position.

So, by doing this type of exercise it helps to build strength… and increase muscle tone. 

There are various Isometric Ab Contraction exercises that you can include in your workout routine. Yet, here’s a simple one that you can do… especially if you’re starting out an exercise program.

5 Steps On How To Do Isometric Ab Contractions

As mentioned earlier… Isometric Ab Contractions can be done sitting, standing, lying or even kneeling. Yet, for this example, it’ll be for someone sitting. So, here are the 5 steps on how to do an isometric ab contraction exercise.

  1. Sitting upright in a chair, not slouched, exhale slowly all the way out through your mouth.

  2. Start by inhaling slowly and steadily through your nose, and hold for a count of three. 

  3. Now as you slowly exhale through your mouth… start to draw in your belly button towards your spine. So, you can feel your belly button going inwards towards the inside of your back… not outwards towards the desk in front of you.

  4. Keep drawing in your belly button towards your spine until it’s tight. You can feel this tightness by digging your fingers into your abs, as well as the side of your abs… and you’ll feel that the muscles are tight. 

  5. Hold this position for a count of 10 seconds. Then slowly release by relaxing your belly button… allowing it to go back to its normal position.  And then, inhaling slowly and steadily through your nose… then holding for a count of 3 seconds.  

    Then, simply repeat the process. 

If you’ve never done an exercise like this before… aim to do 3 sets of 20 repetitions, for 3 days per week (3x20x3). 

As you get used to them, you can increase the amount such as:

5 sets x 40 reps x 5 days per week (5x40x5), or

7 sets x 60 reps x 7 days per week (7x60x7). 

And, the great thing is, you can do the Isometric Ab Contractions any time you’re sitting down. Or, you can even do them while waiting in a queue at a shop… or while you’re lying on the beach in the sun. Show off those flat abs!

3 Top Tips When Doing Isometric Ab Contraction Exercises

Now, even though Isometric Ab Contractions are done when you’re in a sedentary state… as with all other exercises, getting the technique right is critical.

So, here are 3 top tips for when you’re doing Isometric Ab Contraction exercises… to enable you to get the most out of them. 

  1. Focus on your breathing. This will help with the control of the position you’re holding.

  2. Have good posture. When you’re getting into the position for your Isometric Ab Contraction exercises… focus on your posture. Even though it’s a sedentary exercise… you can still cause an injury to your muscles and body. So, this is something you clearly want to avoid.

  3. Focus on contracting your muscles. Make sure that when you’re doing the Isometric Ab Contraction exercise… pay attention to contracting your muscles and feeling the tension. This will help to ensure you get the benefits of the exercise… by strengthening your body and getting flat abs.

Breathing, posture, form and muscle contraction are key… for performing Isometric Ab Contraction exercises properly.

There Are No Excuses For Not Having Flat Abs!

So, now you’ve discovered hot to get a toned stomach while you’re sitting down. And, it couldn’t be more simple!

There really are no excuses… as you can do this flat abs workout anywhere, anytime. Plus, if you’re feeling self-conscious then don’t… because no-one else around you will even know that you’re doing them. 

And, it’s not a high intensity exercise, making it easier for more people to do. 

Yet, even when you’re starting out, don’t overdo it. Take your time… and ease into doing more of the Isometric Ab Contraction exercises that you do.

Just remember that by doing these Isometric Ab Contractions, you’ll be burning some extra calories. Plus, you’ll be helping to strengthen your core… and flatten out your stomach by tightening, and pulling in your abdominal wall. 

It will also be supporting good posture, strengthen your lower back… as well as improve stability, and protecting your organs. 

At first, you may need to set a reminder to do these exercises… so as to include them in your normal routine. Yet, after as time goes on… performing these Isometric Ab Contractions a few times a day will become habit.

Start now to include Isometric Ab Contractions as part of your daily routine… instead of sitting there in a sedentary state all day. By doing this exercise it helps towards achieving those flat abs.

Yet, if you want to get a toned stomach faster… make sure that your diet is in check. Remember, that everyone already has 6 pack abs. Yet, if you’re having the wrong foods and drinks… this will just add more flab, especially around your mid-section.

Plus, if you want to achieve a toned stomach faster… you could include some high intensity workouts too.

If you want done-for-you meal plans, workout routines, and more… you can get all that and more in our Ultimate Body Transformation Guide.

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