See How To Stay Young With This 1 Simple Drink

It’s no secret that when you get older, your body changes in ways that most of you don’t like! And, a common question that we hear often is… “How can I look younger than my age?”

Whether it’s having more wrinkles, gaining more weight, through to a lack of energy, or reducing headaches… there are ways to fix these common problems. And, the interesting thing is that it doesn’t have to be difficult.

The fact is, everyone is going to get older. Yet, there are ways to help slow the aging process. And, there are easy ways on how to stay young.

Yet, it’s so incredible how in society… companies like to target the aging population with pills, potions, and other concoctions. Yet, at the end of the day, often times they do more harm than good.

So, would it be a surprise to you if 1 simple drink could help with resolving the problems stated above… as well as other issues when it comes to aging, or even weight loss? 

Well, there is a “miracle” drink that has been around for thousands of years… that many of you wouldn’t even think about. So, keep reading, as you’ll discover some incredible facts about this drink… as well as the effects on your body by having it or not.

Plus, you’ll realize how to stay young by drinking this 1 simple liquid.

Your Body Is A Temple… Of Water!

When you stop and think about your body… most of you would think that it’s solid bone, skin, muscle and fat.

Yet, did you know this?

Much of your body is made up of a crucial liquid, as shown below:

·      The human brain contains about 93% water

·      The blood of a human contains about 85% water

·      The muscles contain about 75% water

·      The liver of a human contains about 69% water, plus… 

·      The bones of a human being contain about 22% water.

Are you starting to see the pattern here?

That’s right, you may not have known that water is a key component of the human body. 

For example, water gives your brain the power for thinking… by helping with the functioning of neurotransmitters. So, the brain will produce melatonin and serotonin… when your  brain has enough hydration present.

 So, this alone shows how critical water is for your body. And, not only is water important to maintain a healthy body… it is great as one of the key anti ageing drinks.

What You Don’t Know About Water and How To Stay Young

So, it’s no secret that water is all around and easily accessible for many of you. Whether that’s for showering, cooking or cleaning, for example… there are many benefits of water in everyday life.

Yet, when you think about all the drinks that you see on supermarket shelves… or advertising on TV or online, most companies aren’t promoting the goodness of plain water. 

Instead you’ll see promotions for energy drinks, sodas, milkshakes or diet drinks. Yet, most of these contain chemicals that do more harm than good for your body.

Quite simply… there are many benefits of drinking water that far outweigh those of other drinks. Yet, many corporations aren’t going to tell you how good it is for your health… let alone how key it is as one of the top anti ageing drinks. 

And, that’s because they can’t make lots of money from plain old water! Let’s face it… water isn’t sexy or colorful. Yet, remember this phrase… “The Simple Things In Life Are Often The Best.” 

When it comes to drinking water and how to stay young… this is what you need to do as part of your daily routine. 

Now, many people don’t realize when they are in a state of dehydration. It’s been 
shown that the average adult expels more than 10 cups of water per day. And, that’s through normal bodily processes such as… sweating, breathing, and trips to the toilet.

What’s more, during the night while you’re sleeping… did you know that the human body loses about 1 litre (~1 quart) of fluid? That’s a lot in the scheme of things.

Then, what many of you do after waking up, is go make yourself a cup of coffee or tea. Yet, after a night of dehydrating, the problem is compounding. 

If you do want to have your coffee in the morning… change your routine slightly by having a glass of water or two FIRST. 

Now, you may be wondering what dehydration has to do with how to stay young… and how to look younger than your age. 

Let’s think about it this way…

Imagine a plant that is in soil without having been watered. Over time this plant will lose its color, start to wilt, become wrinkly and shrivel up. And, eventually it will die. 

Yet, when you start to water the plant again, it will look vibrant… the leaves will be glossy and the plant can produce beautiful colorful flowers again.

This is a similar process for humans, when it comes to having water. 

It really is as simple as this… nothing kills life faster than a lack of water. So, remember to keep hydrating by drinking water. Link water with the fountain of youth.

How To Stay Young AND Lose Weight By Drinking Water

When it comes to being vibrant and youthful, it doesn’t have to stop when you’re in your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s or beyond… so long as you know how to take care of yourself. 

And, for those of you wanting to lose weight… the older you get, sometimes shedding that unwanted weight can be challenging. Plus, when you are overweight or have more flab… having an unhealthy body can add years onto how you look, let alone how you feel.

Yet, this is where the simple, yet powerful drink of water does wonders. 

Remember how we were talking about hydration for the fountain of youth earlier? 

Well, if you’re trying to lose weight… you need to understand the signals your body is trying to give you when it needs to be re-hydrated. Plus, overweight or obese individuals are at a greater risk for dehydration.

So, you know those hunger pains, the growls, where your stomach is demanding to be fed? Of course, many of you would grab something to eat to quiet the stomach and fill it up. 

Yet, this can often be a false signal. And, in many instances your stomach is not crying out for food but for hydration. So, next time you get those stomach grumbles or feel hungry… drink a large glass of water instead, then wait about 10 minutes.

The water will fill your belly… instead of food that you may not need, which would otherwise add more fat to your body.

So, remember, when you’re feeling some hunger pangs… reach for a glass or two of water first. And then, assess if your body is just screaming out for water for hydration, or it’s time for food.

Plus, when you’re trying to lose weight while being dehydrated… this slows down your metabolism. So, without a firing metabolism, you may not be able to lose weight as quickly.

And, did you know that by drinking water, it can raise your metabolism by about 30%! Amazing how a simple liquid can produce such powerful results, right?

Not only that… your body needs water to process the calories from the food and drinks you have throughout the day. Studies have shown that adults who consumed 8 or more glasses of water a day… burned more calories than those who drank 4 glasses of water.

So, make sure you include drinking water in your weight loss routine… as well as to help slow down the aging process, for a youthful, vibrant and trim body.

Now, there are many other benefits of drinking water to help you stay youthful. And, it often starts on the inside…

Other Key Benefits Of Drinking Water

Every cell and organ of your body needs water to function. For example, the human body needs water to: 

• Get rid of toxins and waste,

• Help control your heart rate and your blood pressure,

• Regulate your body temperature,

• Protect your body’s tissues and organs, such as your heart, eyes and skin,

• Help create saliva that will aid with digestion, and…

• Help with bowel movements to relieve constipation. 

These days there are companies promoting a “pill for every ill.” For example, to slow down free radical damage… you’ll be told that taking an antioxidant supplement is the best solution. 

Yet, why waste your money on supplements such as these, when you can simply drink water? Water is one of the best free radical removers.

It’s water that gets into the body’s cells to extract the toxic waste of cell metabolism.

So, when you feed your body with the right foods and drinks… this will help your body to function at its best. Plus, you’ll get the added benefits of looking and feeling young… even when you’re in your golden years.

Tips On How To Include Drinking Water Into Your Daily Routine

Now, you may be wondering why this section is included… because it’s easy enough to grab some water and drink it, right? Yet, there are some things you need to know.

The ideal hydration gauge is 1 litre (about 1 quart) of water, per 22 kilograms (about 48 pounds) of body weight per day. And, this includes water only… not other drinks you may consume throughout the day, like coffee or tea.

Yet, if you don’t normally drink this quantity of water… don’t go straight into drinking this amount, as it can be dangerous. So, the first tip on including drinking water in your daily routine is, to start SLOW.

For example, if you normally drink 500mls of water each day… then the following week, increase that quantity to 750mls. And then, for the week after that, increase the amount of water you drink to 1 liter, and so forth.

Another tip is to increase the amount of water you drink when exercising… as you’ll be sweating it out, and need to replace the fluids lost. Plus, when you work out in warmer climates, this will add to fluids you lose.

Now, some of you may find that drinking water is boring. So, to help flavor it up with healthy ingredients… squeeze the juice of citrus fruits like lemons or limes into your water.

Not only will it add some flavor to your water, having citrus fruits does wonders for your skin and body… thanks to the high levels of Vitamin C in them, and plenty of other nutrients.

Remember to Keep Drinking Water to Help Slow the Ageing Process

So, in this article you’ve discovered how powerful plain, simple water is… not only on how to stay young, but also to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

And, that’s why many companies don’t promote it… because they can’t make money off you drinking plain water. Yet, you have more knowledge now, and are smarter to make the right choices.

As your body is made up with a lot of water… make drinking water a priority in your daily routine and habits. Most people don’t know that they are dehydrated, yet, staying hydrated is vital for life.

It’s critical that you drink water throughout the day to allow it to function properly. Be conscious of how much or little water you’re drinking… and adjust it for optimum levels, especially if you’re exercising or living in warm climates.

Plus, if you’re on weight loss journey… you’ve discovered how drinking water can work in your favor to help speed up losing unwanted fat. For example, you could achieve a boost in metabolism by about 30% just by drinking water.

And, now you know not to fill your belly with food that it doesn’t need… as you can identify the “fake” hunger signals your body can give. Fill your belly with water instead, and watch the weight drop off.

When you start drinking the correct amount of water for your body… you’ll discover how much difference it will make not only on the inside, but outside too.

Your skin will look more clear, less wrinkly and glowing. Your body will function better… and help expel those toxins that accumulate in your body via the environment, and foods you eat. 

Plus, imagine having an abundance of energy to do things you’ve always wanted, like… running around with your kids, traveling, or even walking up stairs without feeling out of breath.

There are so many benefits of drinking water. So why wait, and start including it in your daily routine today.

Now, if you want to know more about how to look and feel younger… with detailed information, plans and programs, grab our ultimate body transformation guide HERE.

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