Words Have Power Over You - See This Startling Research Today

Do you ever feel like you’re struggling to find that light at the end of the tunnel? And, no matter how much effort you put into what you’re doing… it feels like you can’t ahead?

Day after day… it may feel like you’re carrying a sack of potatoes that keeps expanding, and weighing you down. Then, you experience a few wins here and there, yet it’s not consistent.

So, then you go through a rollercoaster of emotions… up, down, up, down, and the cycle keep going, making you feel frustration.

Yet, why is it that you see some people who seem to be always happy? What is their secret?

A while ago, I was talking to a colleague of mine about how positive he was all the time. And, his response was, “We wake up in the morning… and you can either choose to have a good day or a bad day.”

And, he told me that he would always choose to have a good day. Then, after he said that, it was like a massive light bulb turning on… sparking alight a glow of inspiration.

Let’s, think about it… 

Close your eyes…

And, imagine yourself being in a better place… whether that be emotionally, financially or mentally. See all the bright colors, abundance, and happiness that is all around you. Imagine all the things you want in life, and having them right now.

How great does it feel?

Do you see how a positive mindset can make a difference to how you think and feel? 

For some of you it may sound like “fluff,” or “hocus pocus,” or “woo woo,” or “BS.” Yet, soon you’ll find out why positive affirmations combined with an optimistic mindset… can help you achieve the goals you’ve wanted, and the ones you never thought possible.

Plus, while positive affirmations and thoughts are important, words have power too. And, it’s not just the words that you say, it’s what goes on around you.

Keep reading to see what I mean about the power of words…

The World Is Full Of Negativity That You May Not Even Be Aware Of

When you look on the internet, on TV or in magazines… you’re swamped with images of people with perfect bodies and who seem to be happy 100% of the time. And, more often than not, they are celebrities or iconic people.

Yet, many of you would look at these people, look up to them or even idolise them. Then, when you look at them, you’ll be saying things like…

“She looks so slim and beautiful but she can eat what she wants”… OR

“I can never look like that”… OR

“I don’t have the money or time to workout at the gym, to get an amazing body like that!”

Then, your self-esteem plummets, and your mindset is full of negative energy. See how words have power, especially in a negative situation?

Now, I don’t want to get started on how fake many of these celebrity images are that you see. Photoshop is a great tool for that! 

Plus, next time when you’re watching TV shows, especially those crappy reality ones… listen and take note of the words they’re saying to each other. How often are you hearing positive words compared to negative ones?

And, even if you’ve got the TV on in the background, for example… your subconscious will still absorb those negative words. So, your mind will be harnessing these words. That’s why one of the easiest solutions to this is to NOT watch TV, especially shows full of gloom.

Plus, every day most of you are talking to your family, friends, colleagues… or even when you’re out and about to random strangers. 

So, every word that you hear, can have a positive or negative effect on your mind and body.

Words Have Power, But With Both Positive And Negative Effects

When it comes to talking, this comes naturally to most people, like breathing. Yet, often times, words are voiced without conscious thought. 

So, here’s a question for you… How often do you stop and think about what YOU are saying? 

Every day, thousands of words come out of your mouth… where you express your opinions, thoughts, beliefs, and judgements. Yet, most of the time you’re oblivious to the positive or negative effect these words have on the people around you… let alone the impact on yourself.

In fact, words have power that are incredible and that most people don’t know about. Words produce an energy, as well a message that creates a reaction in other people. 

Everything you say creates an effect in the environment you’re in. So, whatever you are saying to someone else… this will produce an effect in that person, whether that be positive or negative. And, this is the same if you’re on the receiving end of a conversation, or are listening to others.

Reactions to words can vary from one person to another. For example, if you voice words of judgement to a person… they will most likely judge you back, with more intensity as they are angry, hurt or frustrated. 

On the other hand… words of warmth, kindness and approval will produce pleasant reactions in a person. And, that person's response to those favourable words, will also generate a strong emotion… yet in this instance, it will be in a more positive way. 

So, to give a real-life example that many of you will have experienced… When someone gives you a compliment, how does that make you feel? You’d have feelings of flattery, confidence and happiness. 

Yet, when someone says that you look like you’ve put on weight, or you have wrinkles… you’d feel awful, ugly and disheartened. And, a few “simple” words can have a negative impact on the rest of your day, or for some people, your life.

So, can you see how the power of words can have a ripple effect in your life… and in the lives of those around you? 

There have been studies that have shown mind-blowing results linking water with words. Read on to find out more about the interesting discoveries…

The Relationship Between Water, Words And Our Bodies

Now, you may be thinking… what does water and words have to do with your body? 

Dr Masaru Emoto, was a Japanese scientist… who did over 20 years of in-depth studies on water crystals and humans. And, in his studies it shows scientific proof that words have power.

His results show how the molecular structure of water, could be impacted by people’s words… even thoughts, intentions, and sounds.

For example, Dr Emoto took samples of water... then he would freeze them and take photos of the water crystals. Then, he would write words on vials of water taken from that same source… and the results were incredible.

The formation of the crystals in the vials which had positive words… such as “love” and “gratitude,” were beautiful. 

Yet, the crystals in the vials with negative words, such as “hate” and “evil” were different. They didn’t take the form of a beautiful structure… and in some instances the water didn't even form crystals. 

Experiments of this type were done using words from different languages… and also by the scientists having no understanding of what the words meant. Yet, in the end the results were similar. 

His research was eye-opening, showing scientific proof that words have power. And, you can find out more in the New York Times Bestseller, The Hidden Messages in Water. 

Plus, you may not know that the human body is made up of 90% water. 

So, based on Dr Emoto’s research findings, if words can have such a significant impact on water crystals… then surely positive and negative words will have a similar effect on our bodies. To me, that makes sense.

Using The Power Of Words To Your Advantage

Now we’ve discovered how words have power … and how they can produce a positive or negative impact on your life. So, the smart thing to do now is to take advantage of this knowledge to use it in your favor.  

Understanding the power of words, can be key to whether or not you achieve your goals in life. 

A word is a thought eternalised. What I mean by that is… your thoughts have a massive impact on your mind and body, even though they are internal. So, whatever you think affects the way you live your life… it has an impact on your emotions, your attitude, and an effect your behaviour. 

Yet, a thought spoken, has more power. And, this can never be taken back. Plus, if you say words with passion, volume and power… this has an even bigger impact. 

For example, one person may yell and scream out, “Why am I always in debt?” So, your mind will always look for answers about why you are constantly in debt. 

Yet, if you yell and scream out, “How can I get out of debt?” or “What can I do to improve my financial situation today?” Your mind will then look for answers as to how you can make money, and pay off your debts. See how a simple change in words could produce far different results? 

Now, if you’re trying to lose weight… this is when using the power of words can help you immensely. 

For example, when you look in the mirror and say to yourself, “I hate being fat. Why am I always so fat?” This is not going to help you to get slim. 

These negative words are hindering your efforts to reach your weight loss goals. Plus, your subconscious mind will be absorbing these words and thoughts… and it thinks I hate being fat, so being fat is what you get. 

So, turn those words around! 

Don’t say to yourself that you hate being fat. Switch off that negative thought process, and say to yourself, “What can I do today to be slim?” Say words out loud and with passion such as, “I love my new body and I look fantastic.” 

When you’re saying those words, also visualize how amazing you look and feel. See it as though it’s already happened. The combination of passionate thoughts, words, and feelings… increases the intensity to help you towards success and achieving your goals. 

Successful people take control of their words… instead of letting their words control them. Plus, they are more conscious of their thoughts, as thoughts are powerful too. 

Successful people know that words have power. 

Think about icons such as Michael Jordan, Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey… You’ll often notice that they speak positively rather than negatively… to help them achieve success in their lives. 

Their persona is characterized by the words that come out of their mouth... and how they shape their thoughts. 

They know the importance of using words that build confidence, self-esteem and positivity… to build relationships and create opportunities. Successful people speak words of encouragement, love, acceptance, positive affirmation, and appreciation.

And, when you put that in action, you’re taking the right steps to being successful too.

Think Before You Act And Reap The Rewards

Now it’s time for you to achieve the success you’ve wanted in your life. Make sure that your thoughts and the words you say, will be in alignment with the outcomes you want in your life. 

Shape your thoughts and words so that they can help determine your destiny. Create an environment which will help set you up for success… and not for failure.

Also, something that many people would not consider is this… 

When you speak with positivity, encouragement and warmth to others… it may surprise you, that this is what you’ll get in return. So, when you’re with friends, family, colleagues, or even around strangers… choose your words carefully, and aim to stay positive. 

Before you speak your words, ask yourself… “Is what I am about to say going to uplift the other person? Will it inspire, motivate, and create positivity for them?” “Will it give a feeling of trust and safety?”

Remember to also ask yourself… “Will I create a positive or negative effect by speaking out these words?”

Use positive thoughts and words to uplift yourself too. The power of words can make or break you. Wouldn’t you rather feel upbeat and happy, rather than miserable and glum?

Now, if you need help to change the way you think… discover self-help audios, DVDs and books. And, make sure to surround yourself with positive-minded people so that their optimistic thoughts and attitudes rub off on you.

To start the transformation for your body, mind and soul… get your hands on our comprehensive Ultimate Guide right now.

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