The Best Workout Tips To Lose Weight Quickly

If the truth be told, exercising should be part of everyone’s routine… regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight.

Yet, some of you may find it hard to maintain that focus when it comes to working out… especially if you’re trying to get rid of that stubborn body fat.

There’s also a misconception that to get results… you need to exercise for long periods of time. But, this isn’t always the case, especially if you want to lose weight fast. So, this will be music to your ears for many of you!

Plus, when you don’t have much time to allocate to exercising… that’s when this becomes a lower priority on the list of things to do. Yet, that’s the time when you can start piling on more of that unwanted weight.

So, not only is it critical to exercise, you need to get the most out of your workouts… to help you burn fat faster, stay trim, and healthy.

That’s why today… you’ll discover some of the best workout tips to lose weight quickly, and in the shortest time possible.

Workout Tips To Lose Weight Quickly #1 – Increase The Intensity

As mentioned before, steady state cardio exercise has its place. Yet, if you want to get faster results, then you can’t beat a high intensity workout. 

You may have seen the acronym HIIT, which stands for high intensity interval training. 

It’s been shown that shorter periods of high intensity exercise, is more effective for weight loss than steady state cardio… especially if you want quicker results.

Now, if you’re not used to doing HIIT, then start slow and easy. You can always increase the intensity as you get fitter. The last thing you want to do is injure yourself… then that will be a huge setback in your weight loss plan.

So, give the treadmill a miss for a while, and do HIIT instead. 

Learn how to swing a kettlebell or try high intensity skipping intervals. Or, if you don’t have any equipment, then burpies or walking lunges, for example… are great high intensity exercises to burn fat faster.  

Not only is it great doing HIIT, because of the shorter amount of time you spend exercising… it can be done with or without equipment, making it convenient.

So, for one of the most effective ways to increase fat loss… implement high intensity interval training into your new workout routine. 

For a workout plan to lose weight fast, with exercises for beginners through to advanced, CLICK HERE.

Workout Tips To Lose Weight Quickly #2 – Use Free Weights

If you’re one of those people who want to lose weight and use the treadmill to help burn calories… then you may want to reconsider doing this exercise. 

Because, when it comes to losing weight… many of you may opt for doing cardio, and overlook resistance or weight training. I recommend that you don’t skip the weights.

Sure, cardio does have its place, for burning fat or even maintaining your weight. But, it can be extremely boring, making you lose interest in exercising… then, your motivation levels drop. You know exactly what I mean!

Plus, with each hour that passes on the treadmill… it can also cause your muscles to waste away. 

There are better ways to use your time, and do exercises that burn body fat faster.

Now, if you want to burn calories every minute of the day and night… then you need a faster resting metabolism. To help achieve this you need to have more muscle on your body. 

And, before you ladies start to go into shock about having big, bulky muscles… you won’t. 

There’s such a huge misconception about doing weights and females bulking up. Typically, women don’t produce the testosterone levels that men do. So, you won’t end up looking like the Incredible Hulk when doing weight training.

In fact, resistance training will have your body burning lots of calories after you work out… whereas steady state cardio won’t. 

So, don’t do just cardio exercises… including free weights will increase your metabolism, as well as your fat burning potential. Who doesn’t want to lose fat faster if they can?

Workout Tips To Lose Weight Quickly #3 – Include Rest Periods

Generally, many people focus on what exercises they’ll be doing… as well as the amount of reps and sets. Yet, few people focus on the time they take when resting in-between exercises. 

Why is this so important? 

It may sound strange… but limiting your rest periods is a great way to burn fat burn faster.

You should know exactly how much rest time you have in between exercise sets. Some of you may get side tracked talking to someone… or being in a daze, staring into space as you take a longer rest period. 

Yet, what then happens, is that your body has begun to cool down. 

You should always have rest periods, but you need to time those rest periods too. 

Depending on what exercises you’re doing… aim to keep those rest periods short, such as 30 seconds. By keeping your rest periods short… then, your heart rate will stay elevated and the intensity will be higher. 

So, this increases your post workout calorie burn… helping your body to constantly burn that unwanted fat.

Workout Tips To Lose Weight Quickly #4 - Mixing Up Your Exercise Routine

One of the most common complaints I hear when it comes to losing weight is that… people say they’re not seeing results. Does that sound familiar? 

There could be a number of reasons why you can’t budge that stubborn fat. Yet, a reason many people don’t consider is that it can relate to your exercise routine. 

Most people do the same old workout, day in and day out with little change. Yet, what you may not know is that the body adapts to things very quickly… including your exercise routine.

That’s why I recommend to mix up your workout routine often. As your body adapts quickly… you need to shock your body with new challenges. 

Consider changing your exercise program every four weeks. Or you could have 2 different exercise programs. Then, you would alternate them each week for around 8 weeks, and then change them again.

As previously stated, don’t spend all of your precious time on the treadmill.

Have you ever wondered why you don’t get sore from your workouts? It’s because your body has been adapting and getting used to the same old workload. 

Try a new resistance training program. Or include a high intensity interval training program… with kettlebells or some boxing circuits. 

Aim to include some free weights instead of using those machines. Or, you could mix and match any of these into your own exercise circuit. If you’ve been doing the same workout for a while… then you’ll see the difference when you mix up your exercise routine.

Now, I understand it can be challenging to work out what exercises to do. And, that’s why you can get a range of exercises that burn body fat fast… in my comprehensive guide.  

These workout plans and exercises can be done in the gym, outside… or even in the comfort of your home. Plus, you can do them with or without equipment… making it convenient and inexpensive to incorporate into your workout routine.

Workout Tips To Lose Weight Quickly #5 – Staying Hydrated

 Of course, when you’re exercising, you will most likely be sweating it out… especially if you’re doing HIIT.

Yet, some of you may not replenish the fluids you lose when sweating. And, it’s so important to stay hydrated. Also, the more you exercise the more water you need to have to keep your hydration up… especially in hot weather.

In fact, many of you may not realize this… but it’s been said that the majority of people are in a state of dehydration. 

When you want to lose weight… you may be focusing more on what you are or will be eating, which is important. Yet, if you consider that every organ in your body needs water to function… it’s surprising that many of you may skip this step of drinking water and staying hydrated. 

Plus, hydration helps to suppress hunger so your desire to eat more will be curbed. And, by staying hydrated with water, it’s been shown to boost metabolism… which is what you all dream of when trying to lose weight. 

Not only that… other benefits of drinking water and staying hydrated is that you’ll sleep better. Plus, you’ll have more energy and endurance… as well as having clearer skin and eyes. 

Your body will function better. And, that is key, especially when you’re trying to burn fat. 

So, before you start doing your exercises that burn body fat… be prepared and have a bottle of water with you. I stress that it must be water and not those energy type drinks!

Workout Tips To Lose Weight Quickly #6 – Get The Technique Right

When undertaking new exercises… I can’t stress enough how important it is to make sure you are doing it correctly. 

Getting the technique right is critical… because not only will it help you to achieve your goals better, it could avoid you from sustaining an injury.

As a certified personal trainer, it was shocking to see people working out at a gym and not using the equipment correctly… or doing exercise techniques wrong.

You should always maintain the correct technique… no matter what exercise you’re doing. 

If you aren’t sure how to do any of these, ask a qualified instructor at your local gym. Or, you could hire a personal trainer to show you the correct technique… or find a reputable and qualified expert online if you can’t see someone in person.

Also, to help you with getting the technique right, use mirrors. That’s why at gyms you’ll notice that there are many mirrors. Although, I know some people use them to check themselves out… or to check out other people!

Yet, by using mirrors you can watch yourself… to monitor and see if you’re performing the exercise technique correctly.

The last thing you want is to have an injury… as you won’t be able to maintain your  workout plan to lose weight fast. And, this will be a setback in achieving your weight loss goals.

Workout Tips To Lose Weight Quickly #7 – Have Patience

Now, this is a fat loss tip that many of you may not have even thought about. 

Yet, this is an important one. You may have heard phrases like, “It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen.”

And, this is so true when it comes to losing weight and that unwanted fat. Think about it… you didn’t wake up one morning and you miraculously gained 20 pounds of fat. It happened over time.

So, that’s why you have to set your expectations… that getting to your goal or dream body will take some time. For some of you, this will take weeks, and for others it may take months… depending on what your goals are. 

Once you set up your diet and workout plan, make sure you stick to it! 

It’s those of you who will have patience and keep to the plan… who will have a higher chance of achieving and succeeding in your weight loss goals.

Plus, when it comes to weight loss… it’s consistency that counts in both diet and exercise which will get you there.

Exercising once a week, then ramping it up to 6 times a week is crazy. Not only that, it could do your body harm… especially if you’re just starting out on a plan doing exercises that burn body fat.

“Patience Is A Virtue!”

So, they were 7 workout tips to lose weight quickly.

Remember, doing exercise should be part of your routine… even if you’re NOT trying to lose weight.  

Forget about that misconception that to get results… you need to exercise for long periods of time. You can work out for less time, but still get better results. You just need to include the right exercises... and make sure you’re doing the techniques correctly. 

And, whether you’re a beginner at exercising for weight loss or to stay in shape, or you’re advanced… you can get access to my complete workout guide to help you get in shape and stay that way.

Plus, there are meal plans and body transformation secrets… to help keep you looking and feeling fantastic.

To get started… CLICK HERE.

Here’s to your weight loss success!

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