Benefits Of Fasting: What You Need To Know Now To Transform Your Body

When you hear the word “fasting” what comes to your mind? For many people, thinking of fasting means no eating or not eating much at all. And, we’re sure that when many of you hear this… you’d rather change the topic of conversation! 

Yet, there are different ways of fasting, to help make it easier to fit into your routine.

So, you need to read this before you give fasting the flick. There are many benefits of fasting that you may not know about. From losing weight faster, through to improved skin and vision… through to having a clearer mind, and treating ailments.

And, with those advantages of fasting, we’re sure you’ll want to know more! Plus, there’s a special story you need to know about, regarding one of our clients… who achieved her one of her biggest dreams, with the help of fasting.

So, keep reading to discover the benefits of fasting.

Why Is There So Much Controversy And Hype About Fasting?

It seems that when the topic of fasting is being spoken or written about… it attracts a lot of attention, good and bad. Yet, why is this so?

It’s because a lot of the mainstream media promote fasting as being bad for your health… as you’re abstaining from eating. So, many people get the wrong information and lack the true knowledge about what fasting really is… and how to fast. 

Yet, contrary to what those media companies promote and certain “experts”, the fact is… fasting is the complete opposite to what they’re telling you. Fasting is good for you. Think about it, they can’t make much money off people who fast!

When you’re fasting you’re only consuming liquids. Plus, fasting is an effective way to heal and repair your body naturally.

Now, our founder of Global Heath Renegade has done many fasts… from 1 day through to 35 days. So, he has first-hand experience on the advantages of fasting. And, most people are astonished when they hear of this. 

What you need is the RIGHT education, so you too can experience the benefits of fasting. Unless you try fasting yourself, you’ll never know exactly what it can do for your health.

Plus, many people are fearful of doing a fast because it’s not seen as normal to do it. Yet, your body will heal at a better rate through fasting, and the benefits of fasting are astounding.

Top Benefits Of Fasting

There are many advantages of fasting that can benefit people from all walks of life ... and who have various conditions or situations.

Here are 8 top benefits of fasting:

·       Your energy levels increase

How many times have you had a slump in energy? For some people, this slump in energy could even be in the morning! Plus, when you need your energy the most, it seems to have gone. Yet, when doing a fast it’s amazing how much you more energy you gain, and by NOT eating. We know it sounds contradictory. Your body spends less effort and time processing solids. So, then your body has less burden… and you get the benefit of more energy to do the things you want.

·       Effective way to lose weight

Fasting ireal-lifs a great method for losing that unwanted fat… especially if you’re wanting to lose weight fast. So, fasting is great if you want to lose unwanted fat to look amazing for events such as… a school reunion, wedding, major birthday party, or to look fabulous in a swimsuit on vacation. And, when you do a longer fast, you could lose an average of 0.5 kgs (1.1lbs) per day. Sometimes it could be more and sometimes less. It depends on your body, your weight, and how you are fasting. More on that soon.

·       You can have sharper senses

Whether it’s better vision, through to smelling scents… you’ll discover that your senses can improve. For example, if you go to a fresh market and smell the produce or walk past a café… you’ll notice that the different aromas are more pungent than before fasting. The downside is, those awful smells are more noticeable too! Also, you could gain clearer vision even after 1 or 2 days of fasting.

·       Your mind will be more clear

Just about everyone we know has gone through the experiences of brain fog. You forget things, you find it hard to solve problems whether that be at work… or whilst you’re doing a project at home. Yet one of the advantages of fasting is that you can think more clearly. So, solutions to problems or doing those crossword puzzles will be easier than before. It's like your brain will have gone through a renovation!

·       Helps to remove toxins

Every day your body is taking in toxins and chemicals from the air, environment… as well as through the foods and drinks you consume. When you fast, you give your body the chance to expel all these toxins. This detoxing will allow your body to function better, so it can help you live a better quality of life.

·       You can visually see external benefits

Not only are there benefits of fasting by removing toxins from your body... as a by-product of this, you'll notice cosmetic benefits. And, this can include clearer, more radiant skin… your eyes are brighter, and your hair is lush and vibrant. Plus, those horrible wrinkles could reduce or even disappear! Now, that sure sounds great, right?

·       You can get a better night’s sleep

Most people have their last meal at night for dinner, before going to bed. Yet, while you’re asleep, your body is working away to process all this food. Instead, your body should be repairing your body while in sleep mode. Thus, when you fast, your sleep can improve… as your body doesn’t have to expend all that effort processing your food, so you can have a more restful sleep.

·       Aiding the treatment of health conditions

Whether it be conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, through to snoring… fasting has been known to help relieve some of the mildest to severe health conditions. And, this leads us to a story we mentioned we’d share at the start of this article. Keep reading to discover this amazing story…

Fasting Could Help You Achieve Your Body, Health & Lifetime Goals

The problem with fasting is that many people don’t want to change their diets, let alone do fasting. Yet, what this potentially is doing is putting you into an early grave… or robbing you of your dreams. Although, this doesn’t have to be the case for you. You can make the decision to change your life to how you want…

Global Health Renegade has helped people from all walks of life, to overcome a range of health issues. From weight loss, to severe conditions such as Ross River Fever, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome… and Type II Diabetes to name a few. 

Yet, a young lady had a dream to become a mother, and have a family of her own. Although, standing in her way was Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. When she was introduced to fasting… who would’ve thought that she would end up with not one, but 2 beautiful children. You can see Catherine’s testimonial and others HERE.

And, for people like Catherine who are serious about making a positive change… you too could achieve health, body and lifetime goals if you want it bad enough. 

Plus, it will amaze you at how fantastic you’ll feel from fasting… especially if you do longer periods of a 7 day fast, or more. Yet, you may be wondering how on earth you can even begin a fast? 

So, to ensure you get the right knowledge from the start… as well as how to fast, get our guide to fasting HERE. It also includes top tips, a comprehensive frequently asked questions section… and real-life experiences of fasting from our Global Health Renegade founder, Paul. And, this in itself is valuable. 

2 Key Ways On How To Fast 

Now that you know the many amazing benefits of fasting… it’s time to highlight the key ways on how you can fast.

In general, there are 2 liquids you can consume whilst on a fast… water or juice, and that’s it. You should not be consuming any solids while on a fast!

When doing a juice fast… this DOES NOT mean having those processed juices that you can get in supermarkets and the like. That’s because those types of manufactured juices contain a lot of crap… with little nutrition. So, when doing a juice fast you need to consume freshly made juice.

So, if you’re going to start for the first time… for most people doing a juice fast will be easier than on water. And, when you get the Global Health Renegade Fasting Guide… you also get our exclusive, powerful, body cleansing juice recipe. 

Also, on a juice fast, your body helps to keep you feel fuller. So, this is why it’s better for newbie fasters as it helps to ease you into the process.

Yet, in saying that, when you consume just water… you’ll gain the benefits of fasting at a quicker rate. And, that’s because your body will go into the detoxing process at a far greater rate… in comparison to a juice fast. Doing a water fast is more challenging though.

Now, in terms of the length of fasting… we recommend minimum of 3 days through to 7 days. This will give your body time to detox, repair and reboot. Yet, if this seems dauting start slow. You could even do a half day, or 1 day fast.

The thing is, when you go on a longer term fast, you’ll feel like you’re going downhill to start off with. And, this is because your body is experiencing the detoxing effects and hunger. This is where many of you may quit, because you don’t feel the best. 

Yet, when you overcome this, you’ll begin to feel better as your body goes through its detoxing. And, as each day goes by, your body will be healing and you’ll feel even better. At this stage, you may notice you have more energy, are more alert… plus, your skin looks more radiant and clearer. 

The longer you fast, the more benefit you should experience. Yet, you do need to gauge how you’re feeling, and what your body is telling you.

If you feel hungry, drink more water or juice. If you feel lethargic or light-headed, take a rest. And, this is why if you’re going on a fast, especially for newbies… you should consider not working while you’re fasting.

While fasting, you can also write a journal of your experiences. This will help you to understand the emotions you go through both bad and good. But most of all, you’ll notice how great you feel AND look.

Take Advantage Of The Benefits Of Fasting Today

You’ve taken the first step in improving your health and lifestyle… simply by reading this article. And, by taking the time to do this… you’ve found out that there are plenty of advantages of fasting.

Fasting is one of the best ways to detox your body… giving it time to heal, repair and strengthen. With a proper fast, you should only be consuming liquids. That means NO eating food or solids. 

Remember, the liquids you should consume when fasting are water or fresh juice. For better results, fasting a minimum of 3 days to longer is ideal. Yet, when you’re first starting out, take it slow.

So, now it’s time for you to get started! There’s no point putting it off and making up excuses. The longer you wait, the more your body will accumulate toxins. Plus, you’ll be denying yourself of a more youthful, energetic, healthy… and amazing body that you deserve to have. Or, you could even overcome certain health conditions.

And, once you experience these incredible results… you’ll want to do more than just 1 fast.

So, decide on a date, enjoy your fasting journey and more importantly… feel the excitement when you see and feel how great your body is!

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