Burn More Fat With A Simple & Surprising Weight Loss Tea

When it comes to losing weight… it’s not just about what you eat that determines if you put on more flab or lose it. An important part is also about what you drink.

That’s right, from alcohol through to water… it all plays a part in your weight loss success or sabotage.

So, what if there was a simple drink that can help you lose weight. Plus, it tastes great AND gives you nutritional benefits at the same time? You might be thinking that’s too good to be true. 

Yet, in this article I’ll share with you that exact drink. Plus, I’ll share a simple recipe using 2 key ingredients to make that drink… to help you get rid of that unwanted weight. 

Now, herbs and spices are usually seen as ingredients to add or increase flavours to meals. Yet, way before synthetic pharmaceutical drugs became available… the ancients would use herbs and spices to heal various ailments. 

And, one spice that has been in use for a long time is ginger (Zingiber officinale). 

 For centuries ginger has been used as a medicine. And, that’s because ginger has some amazing qualities, such as being great for… anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anti-bacterial, and analgesic. 

In certain studies, ginger has also been praised for its anti-cancer properties. 

So, as you can see, the health benefits of ginger are vast and positive. And, from a health perspective… it sure is an ingredient you should add to your meals to reap the benefits.

Yet, as well as health benefits… studies have shown that ginger is great in helping to lose weight. Even so, you’ll be struggling to find that in many mainstream medical journals or articles!

Benefits of this Key Ingredient for Weight Loss

A great benefit of ginger and weight loss is that it acts as a digestive aid. 

So, what it does is it improves digestion by increasing the pH of the stomach… as well as stimulate digestive enzymes and peristalsis. This helps with processing of drinks and food… which then makes your digestive system be more efficient. 

A study that was done in the Netherlands… found that ginger increased the metabolic rate by as much as 20% in the study participants. Plus, there are many other studies showing positive effects with ginger and weight loss… as well as being recommended as a key ingredient for treating obesity. 

Having ginger in your diet helps produce thermogenic effects… so burning off that unwanted fat helps to speed up that process. 

Yet, I always recommend that if you can… use FRESH ginger and not the powdered variety as part of your weight loss plan.

There was a study published in 2012, in the journal, Metabolism. And, it had some interesting findings about the benefits of ginger and weight loss. 

And, one surprising discovery was this: For those participants who had fresh ginger tea with breakfast, it created a feeling of satiety… when compared to other participants who had their breakfast WITHOUT it. 

Plus, the study also showed… the participants experiencing a feeling of fullness was enhanced when having ginger tea. 

It had the effect of suppressing the appetite… and showed that the participants consumed fewer calories. So, this would of course help in them losing weight more effectively. 

Plus, other ginger benefits include crushing the production of cortisol. Cortisol is a nasty hormone that can wreak havoc, especially when you’re trying to lose weight. 

When cortisol levels are high, it’s been shown to aid fat storage around the abdominal area… as well as add more weight in general. 

Simple Weight Loss Tea Recipe 

Now, most people aren’t going to start chewing on a knob of ginger. Plus, adding loads of ginger to a meal you cook may be overbearing. And, you won’t want to eat that meal, unless you only want it to taste of ginger! 

So, an easy and quick way of having this fat burning spice is by drinking it.

You can add fresh ginger to your freshly squeezed juices or smoothies. Yet, one of my favorite ways to have ginger is by having it in a tea. 

I personally use fresh ginger. Yet, if for whatever reason you can’t, then use dried ginger instead.

So, here’s my recipe for a drink special of ginger water for weight loss:

Ingredients (makes 2 cups):

16 oz pot of hot water

1 x knob of ginger (about the size of the top portion of your thumb)

 OPTIONAL: 1 x teaspoon of honey if you want a sweeter flavor… as well as more health benefits too (I recommend raw honey if you can)


Peel the knob of fresh ginger. 

After peeling it, smash the ginger with the side of a knife. 

Then, add the smashed ginger to an empty teapot. 

Boil the 16 oz of water.

Pour the hot water into the teapot and set aside to infuse for a few minutes. 
Pour your special ginger water for weight loss into a cup or mug. 

OPTIONAL: Add the one teaspoon of honey if needed. Stir and enjoy. 

Note: If you’re using dried ginger root powder… Substitute 1 teaspoon of the powdered ginger for the knob of fresh ginger.

Now, if you live in a warm climate there’s NO excuses. You can still have this weight loss ginger tea too, without feeling uncomfortable.

All you need to do it still make the ginger tea recipe as per my instructions above. Then, set it aside and let cool. Whilst it’s cooling down, add a few ice cubes to a tall glass. Then, once the ginger tea has cooled down, pour it into the tall glass. 

And, if you want more flavor… you can squeeze in some fresh lemon juice. Now, you have a fresh ginger ice tea to help you burn that fat off!

So, there you have it… there are lots of health benefits of ginger. And, no matter if you drink ginger tea hot or cold, not only can it improve your health… it can help you burn that unwanted fat to help you reach your weight loss goals.

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