7 Surprising Food Ingredients You Need To Know About Now

When you go to the supermarket or grocery stores, there’s so many delicious looking foods on offer for you to buy. For example, look at all these breads on the supermarket shelves…

Whole wheat, white, 9 grains, rye, gluten free, organic… through to sourdough, raisin, keto, honey wheat, and plenty more! 

Not only is it confusing to work out which type to buy, when you look at the ingredients list on many of the food packaging… sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what’s in the foods you eat. 

The ingredients may list codes or even weird words many of you have never heard of before. So, sometimes it’s more convenient to rely on the “Marketing” words to hook you in to buying a particular product or brand… such 100% organic and whole wheat. 

Yet, as I’ve discovered, when you look deeper into the ingredients you consume… it may surprise you that that what you eat or drink isn’t what you expected. For example, something that may have “healthy” on the label… is in actual fact NOT! 

Plus, there are loopholes in the system… where manufacturers can add particular chemicals and ingredients to the product. Yet, on the label it doesn’t have to show those ingredients. Now, that’s crazy, right? 

So, even if a food product is sitting on a supermarket shelf… that doesn’t mean it’s good for you to eat. 

Sadly, there are many foods that contain toxins. And, you’re unknowingly putting those toxins into your bodies.

As you read on… you’ll realize why more people are self-educating themselves about right food choices. Now more than ever… it’s critical to learn how to take care of yourself, especially at home.

 So, one key step is to learn… how to get rid of or reduce the amount harmful ingredients, especially in processed foods. And, this in turn will help to improve your health and wellbeing.

 Now, here are 7 dangerous and shocking ingredients hidden in your foods that you should be aware of. 

1. Coal Tar

Yep, you read that right… coal tar. 

Many processed foods that are stacked on those supermarket shelves have a long list of food dyes. And, many of the food dyes come from coal tar. Yet, it’s kept “hidden” from you. 

What’s shocking is that coal tar is a known carcinogen, meaning it can cause cancer in living tissue.

So, the regular old coal tar is normally used in manufacturing roads, pavement and road sealing coats… as well as in cosmetics, shampoos and pharmaceutical drugs. 

In the foods and drinks you drink, it may be labeled as E102, Yellow #5 or Tartrazine. So, when you reach for certain sodas, flavored chips, pickles, cheese flavored products… as well as many other food and beverage items, you may be eating coal tar. 

That’s why understanding the ingredients that make up the foods you eat is critical… especially when it comes to processed foods. Can you imagine what that coal tar is doing to your insides, which then reflects how you look on the outside? Not a good picture to me!

2. Rodent’s Hair

Now, while some people have certain rodents as pets… generally many see them as pests or disease-ridden animals. 

And, I’m sure that rodent hair isn’t something you’d want to add to flavor your meals! 

Yet, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)… what’s the problem with having some rodent hair in your meals? C’mon are they serious?

Most manufacturing of foods is done in large industrial facilities. So, the FDA allows for a certain quantity of rodent hair in many products. And, this is what they call “unavoidable defects.”

For example, the FDA will allow 1 rodent hair for 100g of chocolate, 5 rodent hairs for 18 oz peanut butter jar… as well as 22 rodent hairs per 100g cinnamon.

No wonder many people are switching to fresh produce… and being selective about what they consume!

And, if rodent hair doesn’t sound appetizing to you, how about this is an alternative…

3. Human Hair

If rodent hair doesn’t take your fancy, then will human hair? NO WAY!

Now, proteins are great for your body, as they are an important part of your health and wellbeing… and are made up of essential amino acids. And, what else contains these amino acids? You got it, human hair.

And, in particular, the L-Cysteine amino-acid is used… to lengthen the shelf life of many products, including commercial breads. 

So, this L-Cysteine that’s used to make the shelf life of products longer… is often from chicken and duck feathers. Plus, the horns from cows that have been slaughtered is also used. 

Yet, the most common hair used for that purpose is from human hair.

So, it’s been found that the human hair to go into food… comes from places like hair salons and barber shops, then are processed.

Many fast food corporations add this type of L-Cysteine to their rolls and burger buns, for example. 

So, when you choose to have bread, try to avoid those commercial breads in the supermarkets. And instead, aim to buy freshly baked breads from a local baker…or even better, make your own. Remember, this is just ONE food example. Think of all the other processed foods and drinks out there… containing these shocking ingredients. CHOOSE wisely.

4. Arsenic

Arsenic is a carcinogen, meaning that it causes cancer in living tissue. Yet, the crazy thing about this horribly toxic substance is… it seems to keep showing up in the foods and drinks you consume. 

So, from fruit juices through to cereals and even water, arsenic may be added. And, even at levels up to 2 - 3 times what would be considered safe. 

Plus, it’s been shown to be in various protein powders. So yes, those protein powders that many “health experts” influence you to buy… have been shown to contain this toxic substance. 

For you beer and wine lovers, it’s been shown that some of those beverages may contain arsenic… yet, it’s mostly the clearer types of wine and beer that are affected. 

And, what they do when filtering these alcoholic drinks… is by using diatomaceous earth. And, this is considered a natural product, yet it contains iron and other elements, such as arsenic. 

So, if you want to try and avoid all that arsenic in those beverages… get a good quality water filter for your house, and drink wine or beer that is unfiltered. And, the great thing about unfiltered wine and beer… they have more nutrients. 

5. Anal Glands

Yes, you read that correctly… Anal Glands. And no, I’m not joking, I couldn’t do that to you! 

Many of you don’t know that some of the flavors used in many commercial-made ice creams and other processed foods… comes from the castor sacs of beavers. And, the castor sacs are at the rear end of the animal.

Castoreum is the secretion that is used to mark the beaver’s territory. And, with the close proximity of the castor sacs to the beaver's anal glands… castoreum can include urine. So, this is on top of the discharges from the castor glands… as well as secretions from the anal glands.

I hope you’re not eating ice-cream or any foods while you’re reading this now!

The FDA have approved castoreum as a food additive in many popular ice cream brands. Plus, it’s also used to flavor many beverages… including protein and meal replacement drinks. 

And, the thing is, it may be labeled as “natural flavoring.” Isn’t it just shocking what goes on without society knowing?!

If you want a real natural and healthy ice-cream alternative, CLICK HERE

6. Anti-Freeze

Some of you may know that anti-freeze is a liquid that goes into the radiator of your car. And, its purpose is so it won’t over heat your car, and not freeze up in colder climates. 

Anti-freeze is also known as propylene glycol, or propane-1,2-diol, or E1520. 

This chemical has many industrial uses such as Corexit. And, this is is an oil dispersant used for oil spills in the various waterways, including oceans. Plus, it’s used in different pharmaceutical drugs and cosmetics… through to many ice creams.

I know that some of you will experience that sensation of “brain freeze”… from how cold ice-cream is when eating it. Yet, who wants to eat piles of anti-freeze? Leave it for the car. 

7. Boiled Bugs

Well, this is the last on the list, and by now you’re most likely shocked. Isn’t it insane what those corporations put into some of the foods you eat! Yet, they don’t even let you know so you can make informed choices.

So, another ingredient on the list I want to share with you is… boiled beetles.

This “secret” ingredient is also known as carmine, crimson lake, E120, or natural red 4. And, it’s a food coloring made… when boiling cochineal insects in a sodium carbonate or ammonia solution.

So, in various foods and beverages you may consume, such as yogurt, candy, and certain fruit juices… the boiled beetles are used to give it that color you see. 

Yet, it can cause anaphylactic shock, as well as severe allergic reactions.

So, now we’ve reached the end. And, it’s sad to say that this is only a small list of harmful ingredients… “secretly” in the foods and drinks you consume. 

And, even though in society today, there is more technology and research than any other time in history… why is it that people are more diseased, and unhealthy than any other time in history? 

Well, after reading this article it shouldn’t be a surprise to you. So, invest the time and effort to learn how to take care of yourself.

And, a great way to clean up your insides, is by understanding the basics… which you can do right now by starting HERE.

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