These 5 Big Bedtime Mistakes Can Make You Gain Weight

It’s common knowledge that the body needs sleep. And, getting the right amount of quality sleep is crucial… so that your body can remain balanced and function properly. 

Yet, sleep deprivation can produce fatigue and stress, as well as lead to other serious health concerns... including heart conditions, diabetes and mental health issues. 

When it comes to losing weight and burning fat… most people believe the key components focus around diet and exercising. Yes, they do play a major role in if you’ll lose or gain weight. 

Yet, there are other factors that may be sabotaging your weight loss success. Many of you may be unaware… that a lack of, or bad sleep may lead to weight gain and negatively impact weight loss.

So, here are 5 big bedtime mistakes that you need to avoid… as they could be adding more unwanted weight to your body, rather than losing it.

Exercising Before Sleeping

As we know, exercising has many benefits not only for losing that flab… but to keep you healthy and strong. Even if you’re doing hardcore or high intensity work outs to help burn fat faster… this can make things worse.

And, this is because the TIMING of when you work out is key. Hey, if you can do HIIT to reach your weight loss goals sooner, then great! 


It’s been shown that exercising before you go to bed, can wreak havoc with your sleep.

For example, it can increase your body temperature… which can then suppress your melatonin production. And, melatonin is a hormone which helps with a good night’s sleep. 

Plus, melatonin is also a potent antioxidant. It reduces your body’s level of oxidative stress and reduces inflammation. That’s why it’s important not only to help put you to sleep… but to also help re-build and repair the body during the night. 

Also, the elevated levels of hormones like cortisol and dopamine, which are released through exercise… can also cause issues with your sleep patterns. 

I’ve also had people tell me that after exercising they feel more alert, and their heart rate increases. 

Plus, exercising releases those feel good hormones of endorphins. And, while that’s generally a great thing, it’s not before going to sleep. You’ll feel pepped up and your brain will be active.

So, being wide awake sure isn’t going to help you get a good night’s sleep.

Relaxing before bed is key. I recommend that you have your exercising done, about 3 hours before you head to bed.

Using Electronic Devices Before Going To Sleep

Most of us lead a lifestyle where we’re constantly on a mobile device, computer or laptop. Whether that’s for work or play… using these devices before going to bed can influence weight gain. 

And, with all the craziness that’s going on in the world right now… unfortunately many people are stuck at home. So, this can mean you have more time to be on your devices.

Plus, it’s not only about those devices… watching TV just before going to bed can impact the quality of the sleep you’ll get.

You may or may not have heard of blue light. But, when you’re looking at the screens of your devices or the television… it emits electromagnetic rays. And, not only can this potentially do damage to your eyes… it has been shown to negatively affect sleep quality. 

And, the main reason why is because it stimulates brain activity… rather than suppressing it. Plus, it interferes with the release of melatonin, and can increase cortisol levels… which is linked to an increase in weight gain, especially around your belly area.

Many of you know what it feels like to be deprived of good quality sleep. 

And, some my clients have told me that when they have a terrible sleep… they want to have bad foods to make them feel better. Or it’s convenient to buy junk food rather than prepare healthy meals. 

Plus, feeling tired from a bad night’s sleep will make you lethargic too. Then, you’ll most likely experience low motivation levels… and you’ll want to skip your exercise routine.

So, a combination of all of these can make you gain weight… rather than lose it.

Aim to do something else to help you wind down before bed time… such as meditating, reading a book, or talking to your partner or a friend.

Also, make your bedroom as dark as possible to keep any annoying light out. As that may prevent you from sleeping well. And, keep all those digital devices turned off and away from you.

When you think about it, this is simple to do. And, gradually implementing this small change into your daily routine… can help you keep that unwanted weight off.

It’s Too Hot Or Cold In The Bedroom!

Research studies have shown… that the temperature of your bedroom can mess up your sleep patterns. 

For example, if your bedroom is too warm… it can interrupt the release of melatonin and growth hormones. And, what this does is reduces your body’s ability to burn fat effectively while you sleep. 

Yet, on the other hand… having a temperature in your room that’s too cold can impact the quality of sleep you get too. 

I suggest to aim to keep your bedroom temperature around 70 °F (21 °C) for optimum rest. Now, of course as everyone’s body is different, this will need to be adjusted.

Plus, if you have thick blankets or thin sheets when sleeping… this will affect your body temperature while you’re sleeping. 

In general, while you’re sleeping your body’s temperature will decrease… as it’s not undergoing any active physical activity while you’re laying down.

So, why is all this important?

Studies show that there’s a clear link between people’s sleeping habits, and gaining weight. 

It’s been shown that people who do not get a decent deep sleep (not just a long sleep)… find it harder to lose weight.

Have a think about it… I’m sure every one of us has had the experience of waking up sweating, or feeling like you’re in a fridge or freezer! Then, once you’re awake, sometimes it’s damn hard to get back to sleep.

Then, your sleep pattern is interrupted and the next morning you’ll be grumpy. And, not having a clear mind can impact your daily routine… which can result in you losing focus, and make sticking to your weight loss plan a lower priority.

So, regulate the temperature in your room before going to bed as best you can… as this can help with getting a good night’s sleep.

Eating A Big Meal Before Bed Time

In society, many people tend to make their biggest meal of the day at dinner time. And, if you’re trying to lose that unwanted fat… eating a big meal before bed time may impact your weight loss success. 

Not only will your belly feel uncomfortable from all that food… your body is supposed to be healing and repairing your body when sleeping. It shouldn’t be working away at processing food.

Yet, if you have a big meal before going to sleep, your body can’t do this effectively. Your body instead, is using lots of its energy processing all that food while you’re trying to sleep. Give your body TIME to digest your food BEFORE going to sleep.

Plus, when eating a big meal before going to bed, this has been shown to raise insulin levels. And, an increase in insulin levels can result in suppressing your melatonin production… as well as impacting growth hormones.  

So, at dinner time, I recommend having a lighter meal. I urge you to give it a go, as you’ll discover how much of a difference it’ll make. And, if you do this for about 7 to 10 days in a row… it will help you to wake up in a more rested state.

And, when you’re waking up feeling refreshed… you’ll have more of a positive frame of mind and be more alert. 

Then, you’ll have more focus and motivation to be productive, and achieve your goals… like losing that weight you want to look and feel fantastic! 

Drinking Right Before Going To Bed

OK, so we’ve covered having a smaller meal before going to bed… but, what about liquids? 

Many people generally have a drink or two before going to bed… and I’m not specifically talking about alcohol either.

So that you don’t dehydrate, you should be drinking plenty of fluids throughout your DAY. Plus, it helps with flushing out toxins that accumulate in your body… from the environment, as well as from the foods that you eat.

Yet, a mistake that many people make is by not drinking lots of water during the day. They often mistake hunger pangs for needing to feed their bellies with food. Yet, often times it’s because your body is dehydrated and needs water.

Plus, having water throughout the day is also great for helping to suppress your appetite. So, the less you reach for those bad snacks, or over eat!

But, when you drink too many liquids before heading to bed… it can increase the chance of you going to the toilet more often. And, not only is that annoying, it disturbs your sleep patterns. 

These midnight or early morning sleep interruptions can lead you to put on weight… and increase your risk of obesity.

Plus, reduce or avoid caffeine and alcohol before going to bed. While it may initially feel like a relaxant as you’ve had a hectic or frustrating day… it can wreak havoc later at bed time. 

Rather than making your body be in a relaxed state, these drinks can actually stimulate the body… even though at the time, you may not realize it.

Alcohol intake can influence the speed at which you fall asleep… but not give you the best quality of sleep. 

I’ve heard many stories, where people have fallen asleep on the couch after passing out on alcohol. Then, to wake up in the middle of the night needing to go to the toilet, or feeling like crap the next day.

Yet, a benefit of reducing your alcohol intake, especially when trying to get rid of flab… is that you’re not consuming as many calories that come with alcoholic drinks. And, it’s not often that people stop after having 1 glass of alcohol.

And, I suggest you avoid these drinks at all cost… those disgusting energy drinks. I wouldn’t have them even if I needed a kick in the morning. They’re full of ingredients that wreak havoc with your body.

I know that some people have those energy drinks, even BEFORE going to bed. Yet, some of them have double, if not more the amount of caffeine in coffee. Not to mention all the other nasty ingredients they contain. 

So, even though for some of you they may taste great… I’d suggest getting rid of them from your diet altogether.

When it comes to drinking any liquids before bedtime… the same goes here as with eating. Aim to not drink too much at least 2-3 hours before bed time. Yet, if you are feeling thirsty, have small sips of water.


Those were 5 key bedtime mistakes people make that can actually cause weight gain. 

I’ve also given you tips on how to tweak your daily routine… so you can get a better night sleep, which in turn will help your body’s fat burning abilities. 

Plus, having a good night’s sleep has been shown to… lower the incidence of diabetes, dementia and heart disease. 

So, make getting a good night’s sleep part of your daily routine… especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Get your exercise routine done, well before going to bed.

Remember to avoid having too many fluids before going to sleep… especially caffeine and alcohol. 

Also, avoid those heavy meals hours before going to bed. And, switch off those devices, the TV and computer before going to sleep. 

Plus, set up the environment in your bedroom… to help with maintaining a good body temperature for a decent night’s sleep.

It’s all about relaxing, and getting enough good quality sleep. And, if you’re trying to lose weight… this is a key component that many people don’t even think about. 

So, put in place these bedtime weight loss tips for a great body… on the inside and outside.

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