5 Top Weight Loss Tips On How To Lose Fat Faster

By Paul Scicluna

Most of us have struggled in trying to lose weight. And, it doesn’t matter if it’s 2 pounds or 200 pounds… getting rid of that unwanted flab can be daunting and frustrating. 

Yet, it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Having a clear vision of how you want to look and feel is simple to do. And, when you do this, it helps to create feelings of positivity and passion within you. 

In fact, right now… imagine how wonderful you feel by achieving your weight loss goals. 

Imagine how amazing you look in that new swimsuit, your favorite pair of jeans, or at your wedding… 

Or imagine how much lighter you feel, with plenty of energy to do the things you want…

Feels awesome, right?

Well, keep reading… as I’ll run though 5 top weight loss tips on how lose fat faster. So, then you can stay on track to help reach your weight loss goals sooner.

Weight Loss Tip #1 – Get Rid of Past Weight Loss Failures from Your Mind

Focusing on past failures immediately sets you off on the wrong path to lose weight. As the great Tony Robbins says, “The past does not equal the future.” 

STOP focusing on thoughts such as, “I can never lose weight.” And, STOP thinking things like, “Why am I always fat?” 

These negative thoughts need to STOP now, otherwise it will be the result that you get. And, that’s not what I want for you. 

Instead, ask yourself questions like, "What can I do to make losing weight fun?" Or, “How can I reward myself, when I achieve milestones in getting to my weight loss goals?”

Can you see how much of a difference a few words or questions can make?

Whatever the reasons were in past for you not achieving your weight loss goals… forget about those failures and LEARN from them. By learning you grow and get better. So, plan to do things differently this time, to help you look and feel fantastic!

Weight Loss Tip #2 – Set REALISTIC Goals

I’ve seen it so many times where clients, friends and family set unrealistic weight loss goals. And, this often happens because they want to lose weight fast, for a wedding or school reunion… Or, because they’re fed up about how horrible they feel and look.

So, as an example, wanting to lose 15kg in 2 weeks is hard to achieve… let alone potentially dangerous. 

Yet, set yourself up for success by creating realistic goals. And, an example is setting a goal of losing 10kg in 10 weeks. This is a bold goal, yet it can be achieved. If you feel that’s too much or too little, adjust it, making sure it’s realistic.

Take it day by day, and week by week. Focusing on the end result is important, and don’t sweat the small stuff. Help make losing weight easier for yourself by setting realistic, achievable goals.

And, what’s even more powerful is WRITING down your goals. Keep referring to them every day… to help keep you focused on getting that body you desire and deserve.

Weight Loss Tip #3 – Visualize and Say Your Goals Out Loud

Now, here’s one important thing that most people never do on their weight loss journey… visualize and say your goals out loud. It may sound like a weird thing to do. Yet, this helps to reinforce what you want to achieve. 

In fact, do it right now. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds so you can fit into your favorite pair of jeans again… picture yourself losing those 20 pounds. And, and that same moment say, “I have lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks, and I look and feel fantastic!”

Can you see how much more powerful it is?

Visualize and say your goals out loud often… at least twice a day – ideally once in the morning and once at night before going to bed.

This repetition of saying your goal and vision out loud, helps to keep your eye on the prize… and make your dream body a reality!

Weight Loss Tip #4 – Make Pictures of Your Ideal Self

So, what do I mean by making pictures of your ideal self?

Another great weight loss tip is to look for a picture of your ideal body. Then, cut out that picture and put a photo of your head on that picture. 

Another way of doing this is to hunt around in your old photos, and find a picture of yourself that you like. 

And, whatever picture you choose, make sure you put it up where you can see it every day. 

This is where you can have fun in your weight loss journey… because your mind doesn’t know the difference between the picture and reality. What you see, feel or think has more power.

So, make sure you continually look at that picture as though it’s how you are NOW. Have fun with it. Don’t just do 1 picture or photo, have many of them. Put them around your home to help keep you motivated!

Weight Loss Tip #5 – Make Note of Your Achievements

Another great weight loss tip is to make notes on your achievements. As we know, sometimes losing weight can be frustrating and hard. Yet, one big way to help you get over that is writing down your achievements. 

Do this daily, as this will show that you have been making progress. 

Every day, write at least 1 positive thing you’ve done to help you reach your weight loss goals. It could be as simple as, I said my goals out loud 3 times today. 

As I said earlier, losing weight doesn’t have to be hard! As humans, we sometimes make things harder than they should be!

By writing your achievements, if you have a bad day when you feel unmotivated or lack enthusiasm… look back at how far you’ve come. Remember all the positives that you have achieved in your weight loss journey. 

And, make sure you TELL yourself you’ve done a great job, which you have! See each achievement as progress. Each one, no matter how big or small, helps in achieving the result, and your main goal. 

So, I’m glad to have shared 5 top weight loss tips that can help you lose weight faster. Now, all you need to do is put them into action!

The potential to achieve anything is within you. You are in control. Give 100% and you’ll receive 100%. Focus, visualize your dream body… and imagine that you’re looking and feeling fantastic. 

You Can Do It!

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