As a health coach, I’ve heard so many times from people that they keep getting told to eat less and exercise more if they want to lose weight. So they eat less and exercise more but they still can’t seem to melt that fat away. This is where all the scam diets, supplements and fat burning pills, lotions and potions are being bought by the public in the hope of finding the fastest way to lose weight.
But when that stubborn fat hasn’t been lost, people ask, “Why am I not losing weight?” I’m going to share with you the one surprising ingredient in processed foods that are making people fat, and tips to help your weight loss efforts.
As I’ve been saying for years, weight gain can be more complex than once thought. It’s only just starting to reach the mainstream media but scientists are slowly realizing that weight gain and obesity seems to be more complex than was first thought.
Many medical experts are calling for obesity to be labeled a disease. This in turn results in their solution being of course - drugs and surgery. However, researchers have shown a popular processed food additive could be contributing to the fat people are gaining.
The latest research from Georgia State University believe emulsifiers, which are added to most processed foods disrupt the good bacteria in our gastrointestinal tract, making your body hold on to more fat.