Imagine being able to lose weight faster, have more energy, look younger, feel the best your ever have, and have control of your lifestyle…
Great news is... you CAN do this!
There's so much information out there about health, food, nutrition and fitness, but why is it that disease rates continue to increase? It’s alarming, but a lot of the information is intended to make you unhealthy. Why?
Because many vested interests are unethically profiting from you.
There are also many well-meaning people who want to improve your health, yet they lack the right knowledge and pass that onto you.
All this could be destroying your health.
Don't be fooled by the mainstream information.
Unfortunately, WITHOUT you knowing a lot of the hype you see on health can make you:
· Gain weight
· Negatively impact your thoughts
· Feel sluggish and lethargic
· Have cravings for bad foods
· Waste money on health products you don't need
· Lower your immune system
· Contract illnesses and diseases, and more.
What’s more shocking is this... The longer you leave it the more chronic the conditions could become. You may need to seek long term medical treatment, pay excessive bills and be a burden on your family.
It doesn't need to be this way...
Global Health Renegade was created to give you the REAL facts.
You will be empowered with simple, easy to understand information that many others do not know... or HIDE from you.
Get over 20 years of specialist health and wellbeing knowledge in one hub.
paul scicluna - 44 yo CPT, Fat Loss & Body Transformation Specialist, health coach, and #1 International best-selling author. Pictured with Lewis howes (former us pro footballer), featured in the media, and the #1 best-selling book.
Paul Scicluna, the founder of GHR, suffered chronic asthma from birth up until his late teens. He put up with many doctors’ appointments, hospital visits and treatments. Yet his asthma still haunted him.
Sick of continuing down the same old path, what he did next could be seen as controversial... He took his health into his own hands, instead of leaving it in the hands of others.
Through Paul’s intensive research and experimentation with nutrition, health and fitness, he SURPRISED everyone...
After years of struggle, suffering chronic asthma... He was finally FREE of having asthma!
Paul dedicated his time to collate research on health, food, nutrition and fitness... as far back as the Ancient Egyptians, through the Middle Ages to present day. In fact, he was shocked about what he found, and you will be too...
He busts the myths and reveals the secrets on health, but vested interests keep HIDDEN from you. So you can start NOW on revamping your life and change it forever.
Global Health Renegade changes lives – it’s been proven.
Many of you lead very busy lifestyles - raising a family, working, doing chores, socialising, and more. You still have to fit in some sleep too! A busy lifestyle can negatively impact your health in many ways.
At GHR you get simple tools, techniques and knowledge to implement into your daily routine, to lead a life of great health, vitality and quality longevity.
Many people including football stars and their wives, CEOs, models, the former Mr. Universe, parents, grandparents and children have had their lives changed FOREVER.
With the tools and knowledge at GHR you can:
- lose weight fast
- get lean, tone up and sculpt your body
- build muscle for a stronger body, even well into your golden years
- get over injuries faster
- build immune strength for a longer, healthier lifestyle
- improve vitality for long lasting energy
- detoxify for cleansing the inside and outside of your body
- to be free of chronic health problems such as:
- Ross River Fever
- Chronic Fatigue
- Fibromyalgia
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Diabetes
Why leave your health in the hands of others? Take CONTROL of your own life!
Here are some of the inspirational stories...
Get the REAL knowledge now to TRULY improve your health and wellbeing
The hard work of researching and compiling the information to TRULY improve your health and wellbeing has been done for you. You just need to implement it into your lifestyle.
Global Health Renegade has plenty of information including articles, books, recipes, videos and more. There's something for everyone. Use this information in your daily routine to improve your health and wellbeing. Here's a sample below...