What You Need To Know About How To Stop A Sweet Tooth Craving

How many times have you had the urge to have ice cream, chocolate or a scrumptious cupcake with frosting? It may be too many times to count or even to remember!

Whether it’s at mid-morning time, after lunch or a treat after dinner… why is it that many people are constantly craving sweets?

While it may give you a sugar rush to beat a slump, or to help make you feel better… unfortunately these sweet cravings continue. And, in the long run it will do more harm to your body and health than you think. 

Plus, if you’re on a weight loss plan, this is sure to sabotage your efforts. And instead, making you put on more deadly fat.

Yet, what is the main cause of sugar cravings? Read further as you’ll discover some shocking information.

Plus, I’ll share with you how to stop a sweet tooth craving… so you can maintain a healthy and trim body. 

Do You Really Know What’s In Those Sweet Treats You Love?

In many of the sweet treats that you’re indulging in is processed sugar. And, a lot has to be said for processed sugar - unfortunately most of it isn’t great. 

In short, sugar is addictive.

The sugar addiction cycle has resulted in billions of people worldwide suffering diseases, including… obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and more. 

Yet, some companies are still spending millions of dollars… promoting products containing this seemingly simple, yet “invisible” unhealthy ingredient. 

And, what for? 

To bring on the sweet cravings addiction, which then results in more sales… and fatter bank accounts for them. 

Yet, while their bank accounts are getting fatter… so are the innocent people of the world. Obesity rates even among children continue to soar.

Plus, it’s even got to a stage where sugar is produced in many forms via laboratories. And, this includes products such as… fructose corn syrup, sorbitol, dextran, and maltose to name a few. 

Is this sounding all too confusing now? Yes, it’s supposed to! Because, this  makes it even more difficult for you to work out what foods you should avoid… especially if you’re aiming to have a no sugar or low sugar diet. 

Sweet Cravings Are Addictive

Now, let’s think about it… How many times have you been craving sweets, then had a piece of chocolate or candy and then stopped? 

In many cases you’d keep going back for more, right? 

So, not only is your body ingesting processed sugar, as well as other chemicals, additives and flavors… you’re also piling on the unwanted calories. And, this could lead to you contracting the diseases I mentioned earlier.

Plus, it’s not only the foods that contain sugar that are bad for you. 

Some sodas and other carbonated drinks can have up to 12 teaspoons of sugar… as well as other preservatives that can damage your body and health. 

On top of that, the sugar-free beverages are even worse. 

There are many studies showing that artificial sweeteners can make you gain just as much weight… if not more weight than normal sugar.

These research results have actually shown that… artificial sweeteners worsen insulin sensitivity to a greater degree than sugar. What’s worse, they could double your risk of obesity.

Yet, why is it so difficult to budge those sweet cravings? Well, read on to discover why…

How The Vicious Sugar Addiction Cycle Works

of you may not know what happens to your body… after you keep reaching for those sweets. 

So, here’s how that vicious sugar addiction cycle works…

1.    You consume sugar – Even though you can’t see it… sugar has addictive properties making you crave it. And, the more you have it, the more of it you want.

2.    Blood sugar spikes – After you ingest the sugar… your brain releases dopamine helping to create that addiction. Then, your body releases insulin to drop the blood sugar levels.

3.    Your blood sugar levels fall fast – The increased insulin levels that are triggered… then causes fat storage. Your body is craving that sugar high.

4.    Hunger and cravings – Then, your low blood sugar levels will cause an increase in appetite… resulting in more cravings. And then, this is where you go back to point 1… where the sugar addiction cycle starts again.

So, the question is… how to stop a sweet tooth craving? Well, first of all, let’s reveal the cause of sugar cravings.

What Is The Cause Of Sugar Cravings?

Sugar cravings can be as a result of a nutritional deficiency. Yet, a sugar addiction and cravings for sugar… can also be related to emotional situations. 

For example, if you are stressing out, you could start to have those sugar cravings. Then, when an emotional situation like this occurs… your body releases a hormone called cortisol. And, as a result, this can make you crave sugar. 

Then, once you’ve had your hit of sugar, those “feel-good” hormones are released. So, then your body and mind has been tricked into linking having sugar… as a way to relieve stress.

So, when you experience something positive, then naturally you want more of it. Yet, the problem with this is you are constantly cravings sweets… and you submit your body to that vicious sugar addiction cycle I mentioned earlier. 

So, you want to reduce the amount of processed sugar you consume. Plus, I wouldn’t even consider touching those artificial sweeteners out there. They do more harm than good.

And, for those of you on a weight loss plan… not having sugar, or reducing your sugar intake should be high priority. Yet, sometimes it can be challenging to reduce or cut out sugar in your diet. 

How To Stop A Sweet Tooth Craving With Healthier Options

The good news is, there are healthier alternatives to processed sugar. There are ways to overcome these bad sugar habits, and choosing wisely is key.

For example, when you do have those sugar cravings, then healthier options for replacing the sugar include… raw cacao beans, raw honey, nuts, seeds, fresh fruits, sweet potato, and spinach. 

Plus, why not have a sugar detox… and ditch processed sugar for the healthier alternatives. 

When you reduce the amount of processed sugar you consume… your body and health will be thankful for it. Plus, you’ll be able to see noticeable differences not only in the way you look… but also in how you feel throughout the day.

You won’t need to have those sugar “pick me ups”… as your body will be able to stabilize and release energy throughout the day. You just need to know how to do this. 

So, if you want my simple guide on how to stop a sweet craving… CLICK HERE.

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