Delicious Healthy Desserts That Contain Chocolate

Delicious Healthy Desserts That Contain Chocolate

I've had so many clients tell me they love their desserts or a chocolate or sugar fix. Yet, when they want to lose weight they don't want to give them up. So that's why my absolutely delicious chocolate dessert was created. It doesn't contain the bad fats, sugars, additives and chemicals that most desserts do.

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The One Surprising Ingredient That Is Making People Fat

The One Surprising Ingredient That Is Making People Fat

I’ve heard so many times from people that they keep getting told to eat less and exercise more if they want to lose weight. So they eat less and exercise more but they still can’t seem to melt that fat away. This is where all the scam diets, supplements and fat burning pills, lotions and potions are being bought by the public in the hope of finding the fastest way to lose weight.

But when that stubborn fat hasn’t been lost, people ask, “Why am I not losing weight?”

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GMOs invade fruit industry: Apples, pears, cherries and peaches to all become unlabeled GMO

GMOs invade fruit industry: Apples, pears, cherries and peaches to all become unlabeled GMO

Genetically modified apples have been approved by the industry-corrupted USDA, a federal regulator that accomplishes for the biotech industry the same thing the FDA achieves for Big Pharma: unlimited profits, lax regulation and a ready willingness to accept fabricated "science" as fact.

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Why fasting is the best detox to improve your health

Why fasting is the best detox to improve your health

By Paul Scicluna

Fasting seems to attract a lot of hype, interest and even opposition. But why? Is it because the common belief that if you don’t eat you will die? I have fasted numerous times from as little as 1 day up to 30 days on water, or my special blend of fruit and vegetables juice. Fasting truly is the best detox to improve your health. There is no better feeling than being energised, having vitality, experiencing enlightenment and seeing all the external benefits that fasting has to offer.

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What would you prefer - a holiday or heart attack?

What would you prefer - a holiday or heart attack?

By Paul Scicluna

On a recent trip to sun-drenched Hua Hin in Thailand, it really opened my eyes to the lack of healthy people. What astounded me was that 90% of the people (excluding the locals) were out of shape or overweight – a heart attack or Type 2 diabetes in the makings. Whether you’re on a holiday or business trip you can and should take care of your health. Especially if you have children as they learn from the parents.

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